The protestors tomorrow should also call for the resignation of all Mosta local council members and mayor Chris Grech

Tomorrow 15th November, a protest is being held at 18:30 in front of the Mosta Local Council.

The protest is in favour of the Mosta trees, so that they are kept where they should be: by the side of the Mosta church, adorning the street with their beauty—the only beauty left in Mosta’s square, considering the ugly urbanization project that is currently being held.

This site encourages the Maltese nation to participate, out of love of what is left of their country, out of love of these trees, home to various birds. Be the voice for the voiceless—Malta, trees, and birds. It is time you become patriots and speak up for your country. This is your nation, and you, the people, have a right to say you have had enough. Malta does not belong to the greedy, to the powerful, and to the construction gurus. Do you remember how the beautiful trees in Paola Square were also removed? Is the current, gray, ugly Paola Square relaxing to your eyes?

All the blues and reds Mosta council members, together with the major, Chris Grech, are to resign after they all unanimously approved to ‘carefully uproot and transplant’ the 12 trees. Protestors tomorrow should call for this resignation too.

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