The other side of British royalty – what should the masses be reminded of when it comes to King Charles III? (6)

We have all heard of the expression ‘Birds of a feather flock together’, meaning that people who are alike, share similar qualities, interests, goals, and extracurriculars, tend to hang out together. Do you agree that an individual can be judged by the company he keeps? In this piece, we will deal with King Charles III’s inner circle and their scandals. These close connections are important, especially with Charles being crowned king of the New World Order. His reign affects us all. So what does the character of the inner circle reflect on him?

Now let’s talk about Lord Louis Mountbatten. Due to historical inbreeding within the British royal family, he was a second cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, an uncle to Prince Philip, and a high-ranking British commander. Thus, Mountbatten was referred to as Uncle Dicky by the royal family and was the great uncle of King Charles III. He was descended from a German family named the Battenberg, although he was born in England. Similar to the current royal family, the House of Windsor, they are technically of German descent but identify as British. After Philip’s family was banished from Greece in the 1920s, uncle Mountbatten adopted the role of a father figure, leading to a close bond between Prince Philip and his uncle.

It was also his uncle who reportedly introduced Prince Philip to Elizabeth when she was 13 and not yet queen. Prince Charles described his uncle as the grandfather he never had, his mentor, and he was so influential in the royal family that Prince William and Kate Middleton named their youngest son Louis after Uncle Mountbatten.

After he died in an IRA assassination bombing in 1979, rumors about his extracurriculars swirled.

In 2019, an FBI dossier released through the Freedom of Information Act revealed that he and his wife were “persons of extremely low morals” and that Lord Mountbatten had a perversion for young boys. American intelligence officers began piling this dossier back in 1944, and one of their reports detailed that “Baroness Decies stated that Mountbatten was known to be a homosexual with a perversion for young boys and was an unfit man to direct any sort of military operations because of this condition. She stated further that his wife, Lady Mountbatten, was considered equally erratic. E.E. Conroy, the head of the New York FBI field office, added in the file that the baroness appears to have no special motive in making the above statements: “Mountbatten’s preference for boys, as opposed to men, was confirmed by his driver during the war, Norman Nield. Nield admitted that he transported young boys aged between eight and twelve to his commander while speaking with New Zealand Truth in 1987.” From where did they get the boys? What happened to them after? Certainly, they were old enough to report or talk about this type of abuse. So, where were they killed? Why does no one ask about this?

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