The Maltese media and the LGBTQ agenda

Malta has witnessed how the story of Father David Muscat has developed. He was taken to court accused of ‘hate speech’ towards the LGBTQ community after he argued that being gay is worse than being possessed by the devil in relation to the case of Abner Aquilina. He was then liberated, but then he was found guilty of hate speech, and he was thus handed a suspended sentence on appeal.

Needless to say, this has molded the masses’ frame of mind that Father David Muscat is homophobic when it is not the case.

Then we get Father Fitzpatrick, who blindly follows the heresies of the false shepherd, Pope Francis, and who is now accepting same-sex couples for mass when Scripture condemns homosexual acts. Is the Church following the Scripture and the doctrine, or not?

I guess by now the masses should hopefully have a picture of the propaganda, which does not only entail misinforming or pushing an agenda. It is the way the media functions to exhaust your critical thinking while annihilating the truth.

Dear masses, you are not being informed. You are being manipulated. And the manipulation is not sold to you as harmful, evil or manipulative. Everything is sold to you under deceitful ways. If not, then you would surely wake up to the deceit. In the above cases, Father David Muscat was sold to you as homophobic. Father Fitzpatrick is sold to you as understanding and accepting of same-sex couples.

Dear masses, to be properly informed and to be given the truth-talk is respect and love. Anything outside that, is not. The truth is not always easy to digest and swallow. But it is liberating and it can create a harmonious society, if individuals allow it.

The masses should understand that there would be no game of chess if the pawns refuse to play.

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