The Labour government should take note of another post of a Maltese educator

This site was pleased to read that negotiations would resume. Here is a copy and pasted post from another Maltese educator, which the Labour government should take note of while negotiating with the MUT:

[Respect is to be given with actions and not with words. The only ‘substantial’ increase that there was in the last few years was in the amount of educators who resigned. If you truly are interested of the education of your children and of the future of our country, give your support to all educators. I assure you that even though they have lost a day of school, no student will suffer – BUT –

Every student suffers when his teachers are tired, demotivated and fed up.

Every student suffers if his classrooms are full to the brim with students that there is hardly space where they can sit, let alone how can a teacher has class management on an individual child basis, especially with the mix of different levels, languages and cultures in each classroom.

Each student suffers if everything is going to keep on changing each year and no one is sure of what is happening in the educational system.

Each student suffers if no one becomes an educator, there are classes and subjects which are still without teachers and the first term has almost finished.

The salary is nothing but the cherry in the farse which we have found ourselves in. Students must learn that in life, you have to fight against injustices, if need be even with a strike, because that is the right of every citizen in a democracy.

So, instead of now we make believe that we are worried about the fact that students will miss lessons, let us use any opportunity so to teach them how to live life, because education goes beyond the four walls in a classroom.

(copied from a post of an educator) ]

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