The double standards of Pope Francis

In a tweet on X, Archbishop Vigano explains how Pope Francis is using a strategy that is disconcerting and malicious, thus exposing Pope Francis’s double standards:

“A strategy that is disconcerting, to say the least, in its blatant maliciousness

First Bergoglio foments the initiatives of the German Bishops’ Conference on issues not subject to discussion because they are already defined by the Magisterium: divorce, polygamy, sodomy, female priesthood, and celibacy. Next, he fuels with the Synod on Synodality the autonomist thrusts of the national churches in doctrinal and moral matters. And then, when the slow subversive gear begins to move, the Argentine Jesuit has his Secretary of State send a letter hypocritically reminding them that Catholic teaching on homosexuality and priesthood is not up for discussion. And yet at the same time he is arranging a series of meetings of the German Episcopate with the main Roman Dicasteries at the Vatican, aimed at “verifying” what is immutable and what is not of that newly reaffirmed teaching.

This is the typical procedure of Luciferian Peronism: inducing the subordinates to take steps – apparently “spontaneous” and “coming from the grassroots” but in reality cleverly planned from above – to introduce doctrinal, moral and liturgical deviations contrary to the Catholic Faith. At the same time, he sends them a “green light,” making it clear that their requests will be accepted. In this way, when the ultaprogressive bishops demand 100, Bergoglio has already decided to pretend to be a moderate and grant 50, which is what he wanted to get from the beginning.

Bergoglio is the fulcrum around which the entire attack on the Church of Christ revolves.

X (Formerly Twitter)