The British Royal Family and the notorious paedophile Jimmy Savile

From where do the children who are sold for the Elite paedophile ring come from? Why do they just vanish out of existence? Don’t their parents become terribly concerned and file missing reports for them? I mean, kids don’t just vanish from the world.

Some of them are homeless, and they come from youth detention facilities, children’s homes, and orphanages. Numerous people are refugees, escaping war-torn countries. These kids are pilfered and then traded in a quick transaction!

According to the survivors, not only the Dutch royal family but also the British royal family are heavily involved in all of this.

When it was revealed that Prince Charles, who is now King Charles III, was close friends with the notorious paedophile Jimmy Savile back in the 1980s, it caused quite a stir.

Savile was adored by the entire royal family:

Even Margaret Thatcher, a former UK prime minister, did:

Many victims named Saville, claiming that he has been incredibly cruel and violent.

He passed away on 29th October 2011, at the age of 84, free of charges having never faced any.

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