The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part two

Host: “So that proved to his followers that he did not have the juice that he said he had.”

Guest: “This is the political ploy of the Caliph. It was, you know, if I can spread it round like wildfire, send the messengers out that this man has become Muslim, then he’ll lose all his following. That was the hope of the Caliph. And this is what a lot of Orthodox Jews or members of the Jewish Community might even try to tell you – that the story ends there. But that’s far, far from the truth. The story nowhere near ends there. What happened was that he left, he told his followers ‘don’t worry, this isn’t a genuine conversion. I was given no choice’. He actually disappeared. Nobody truly knows his place of death. It’s speculated. But he was put in exile to Albania with a hundred followers and they all went back to their Talmudic and Kabbalistic Judaism. So his followers took hope in the fact that he himself had embraced Islam but he had left it behind and it had never been a sincere conversion. It was done under compulsion and this basically gave permission, he said to all of his followers, ‘Listen, you can embrace whatever faith you want so long as you practise this in secret.’ And the whole Sabbatean movement, these million people, yes he did lose some followers, but it went underground and this is what’s critical for people to understand. This movement became a secret movement. It was allowed to practise in front of the Caliphate. It was not allowed to practise in front of all the other Jews. It reached the stage among Sabbateans that even their children were not told the religion of their household until they had come of age. They would reach 11, 12, 13 years of age and then they would teach the children the faith. That way their children could play with other children and they had no fear that their children might tell somebody at school or their friends they were playing with ‘Oh my dad believes this or my mum does that, you see.’ They hid it even from their own children.

Now, the Sabbatean Movement, a large number of people in Turkey, actually liked him, followed his example, and embraced Islam and they’re known today as the Donmeh – the Donmeh Jews of Turkey. Anybody who goes and looks at these people would think that they were just normal Turkish Muslims. And this again is proof of Ashkenazi and ethnicity. The Donmeh Jews do not look different to anybody else. The Donmeh started in the 17th century. The Donmeh are still there to this day in Turkey. They have survived 250 years. They are known as ‘the Wife Swapping Jews of Turkey.”

Host: “And there also was the young Turks movement which was born where many Armenians still believe the Turks in general were the reason why those were slaughtered wholesale. But the fact that is today we understand, there were what we call today Crypto Jews which are these, this group you are discussing now – got themselves ensconced into the highest levels and actually helped perpetrate that genocide.”

Guest: “Indeed though this is the crux of the matter. The beliefs of the Lurian Kabbalah and the practise of the Sabbatean Movement is the start of Crypto-Judaism – the Crypto Jew and Crypto-Judaism. Preach your Judaism. Tell everybody you believe one thing and really you practise another and believe another. Crypto Jew: tell everybody you’re a Muslim but really you’re a Jew. Tell everybody you’re a Christian but really you’re a Jew. And you can do this as far as they were concerned. It was part of the teachings of the Messiah – Sabbatai Zevi. So as far as they’re concerned, the Messiah himself has given them not only permission but instruction to start behaving like this. The Donmeh were used at the time when they needed to overthrow the Caliph – to prepare the way for the first world war and the establishment of the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine – Zionism. That’s when the Jews actually went back and did a deal with the Donmeh and said and let them buy this and I’m using the term Jews loosely here because as you’ll see, if you study the history, you’ll see that they were Sabbateans. Another group of Sabbateans went to them and said ‘We need you to organize a movement. They were living in Thessalonica at that time. They said go to Turkey and overthrow the Caliph. And they went in there and they established three masonic lodges – the first three masonic lodges in Turkey. And operating through those lodges over a period of time they were able to overthrow the Turkish Caliphate.”

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