The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part twelve

“In 1908, a Sabbatean named Ataturk took over Turkey. And go on the internet and write Ataturk Sabbatean or Ataturk Jew and you are going to be very surprised how much Hebrew this man knew. He and the young Turks, the Donhem took over Turkey. Through their little masonic lodges, Turkey was now taken over by the Sabbateans. Stage one done.

Stage two: let’s practise the holocaust. They murdered a million and a half Armenians during WWI. This was a dry run for the big one. And today by the way, I’m not gonna go how the American Jewish leadership made damn sure the Jews of Europe just died, led by Rabbi Stewart Weiss and I have a separate lecture on that mess. That not one Jewish organization except the Orthodox Rabbis. Again, except for the Orthodox Rabbis, not one Jewish organization tried to stop the holocaust. Not one. Where the hell were the Jews? A third of my family and I’m sure you have very similar stories.

I’m going to bring this up to date and I’m going to bring you to the year 1932, skipping a lot of stuff, we’ll jusst keep this on topic. In 1932, 250+ organisations represented German Jewry. 250+! In 1934 – one! – Labour Zionism. All the rest were wiped out and only one was left – Labour Zionism. Labour Zionism were allowed to keep camps to indoctrinate German Jewry into Sabbateanism before they would be shipped to Palestine. Practically all the Jews who came to Israel in the thirties were German. 70,000 of them. The reason why was the Transfer Agreement. Go on the internet, look up the Transfer Agreement. What an agreement! And this was the end of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and the Peru party as well.

The Transfer Agreement stated it was an agreement between the Jewish Agency of Jerusalem and the Nazi Party and it was signed and it went into effect. The Jewish Agency would allow Germany to make life so miserable for the Jews that they would come to their indoctrination camps where the weak would be weeded out eventually to be killed in camps. And the strong will be sent to Israel. In return for which the Jewish Agency of Jerusalem would make sure that every immigrant used his funds to buy German goods, propping up the economy, would sstop all protests, embargoes, anything against the Nazi regime worldwide. Jews in America were organizing praise against the Nazis. The word got up from the Zionists in Israel – leave the Nazis alone.

During the holocaust there was only one Jewish organisation led by Chaim Weizmann who knew a holocaust was coming planned with the Germans and that was Labour Zionism.”

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