The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part three

Host: “Now the masonic lodges you’re discussing. We’re going to go to this now because I want to bring up what started now after Sabbatai Zevi’s original failure. His movement actually morphed into several others and one of them was and it says so on a site that I read about it, that he ended up morphing into the Frankist (Frankism) Movement, didn’t it?”

Guest: “Jacob Frank himself said Sabbatai Zevi was a Messiah and I myself am a Messiah. And all three of us are manifestations of God himself. So, to get the timing here, Frank died in 1791. Okay? That’s when he died. And bear in mind that Isaac Ben Solomon was pushing his Lurian Kabbalah around, in around the 1560s. So we can see there that when people try to tell us this movement died with Sabbatai Zevi, it’s entirely untrue. Because now today, these people who built up a following of very wealthy Jews and powerful Jews, bankers and such like, by saying ‘Don’t worry. We’re not extremist. And you don’t have to swap your wife with anybody. Because they’re involved in orgiastic wife-swapping and all sorts of strange practices for Sabbateans. They said ‘Look you don’t have to worry about that. With us you can just practise normal nornal Judaism and we’ll give you this particular spin.”

Host: “We know that a large fortune was passed on from father to son and it actually started back I think back in the 14th and 15th centuries. I mean huge fortunes and it actually was the seed money for fortunes such as Warburg (family) and fortunes such as the Rothschild (family). How does that fit in into this story?”

Guest: “Well what we have as part of the Sabbatean movement, we find that under Frank, towards the end of his life, he instructed his disciples to go to Poland, Warsaw in fact, and to build factories. And to get established in businesses to start making big money. And also, according to Encyclopedia Judaica, his followers became active in the Masonic organizations in Poland too. The Sabbatean Movement is very, very deep and these were openly Frankish in their belief. Again involved in all the orgiastic wife-swapping and all the other strange practices that they have, which most Jews would say that all of this stopped with the Sabbatean Movement and with Sabbatai Zevi. But we can actually demonstrate that this was still practised in the middle of the 19th century and even the early 20th century, they were still visible. Now the other thing about Frank, Jacob Frank, is that that is the man who told Adam Weishaupt to found the Illuminati, the Bavarian Illuminati.”

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