The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part one

In a future piece about the Rothschild, one of the 13 elitist ruling families, one of the purest form of Satanism will be mentioned. This can be traced to the Jewish Sabbatain sect and its Frankist spinoff. The leaders of this up to the Rothschild family were Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676); Nathan of Gaza (16??-??); Jacob Frank (1726-1791) and the Rothschilds.

Sabbatai Zevi declared himself, the Messiah of Jews in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. After Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon this occult philosophy. 41 years later, in 1717, they would infiltrate Masonry guilds and establish Freemasonry.

Frank had a huge impact on the inner core of Freemasonry known as the Illuminati, formed in 1776. Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like revolutions, creation of the U.N., Israel and the E.U, both World Wars, and assassination of Kennedy that tried to thwart the efforts of the network on American soil.

In this series, starting with this piece, a documentary about this 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History will be tackled so that, you, dear readers, can keep on building your own puzzle with the various pieces of knowledge because what we are dealing with today, is just a build-up of movements that happened throughout history.

The documentary is divided into two and unfortunately, there was no reference on who are the host and the guest speaker in the first 15 minutes or so of the video clip. During the rest of the clip, we have a full lecture of Barry Chamish, a Jewish Canadian-born Israeli writer, public speaker and a former Israeli correspondent.

This series is very important to understand what thwarted Judaism, what started anti-semitism and the agenda behind it, the Zionist movement, what led to the State of Israel we have today, and how the Illuminati gained control and power, with specific reference to the Rothschild. This series also gives us a very different perspective of World War I and the holocaust in World War II and is also relevant to understand the war that we have today in Israel.

All people, movements and happenings mentioned in the documentary are underlined which will take you, dear readers, to a link with further information, so you can get the bigger picture of who they are and their place in this history.

The reference in this documentary, as one can see in the clip, is to the 2015 book of Robert Sepehr, ‘1666 – Redemption Through Sin’.

Guest: “We find ourselves in the 17th century, under a man called Sabbatai Zevi who spawned what was the largest Messianic Movement in the last two thousand years among the Jews. I mean he was massive. It was a very Messianic century because the year 1666 was on its way. The Christians thought Jesus was coming back and there was a particular date which was auspicious in the Jewish calendar where a lot of people thought it may be the date of the return of the Messiah. And this guy, Sabbatai Zevi, he was alive at that time. He was a renowned Kabbalist. You know we said that these people focused very much on the Talmud and the part of the Talmud specifically Kabbalah (Cabala) and the Kabbalah was a general set of rules that used to be there and different rabbis and great scholars, sages among the Jewish population, would come out with their own versions of it. And one man, in the middle of the sixteenth century, produced a version of Cabala, which has spawned the entire Jewish Messianic Movement for the last 400 years.”

Host: “And you said 1666 was the Christian year that they all thought they were going to see a return and the Jews had a similar, had their own specific Jewish date that kind of coincided with some Messianic prophecy that they would bring forward a Messiah.And didn’t they say that Sabbatai Zevi was the Messiah for a while?”

Guest: “Well, well, Sabbatai Zevi was a follower of the Cabala, of this particular type of Cabala. This is the one which has brought all Messianic Movements through Judaism. I mean it’s known as the Lurian Kabbalah. After Isaac Ben Solomon’s gloria. And this man invented a twist, a spin on the Kabbalah, a new interpretation and a new way of putting it together and some new practices, spiritual practices, he was known among the community by the way as ‘The Sacred Lion’ because apparently he was able to do conjuring tricks, magic tricks with whatever he’d learned or he appeared to the people to have special powers and it influenced them. And I’ll give you a quote about this man now from the Encyclopedia Judaica. It says, of the Lurian Kabbalah : ‘In no small measure it prepared the ground for the Messianic firmament of the Sabbatean movement.’ So, you can’t get a better authority than that and it’s saying this Kabbalah, not the Kabbalah that you go and buy down the bookstore but this particular one is the one where all the magic tricks, all the conjuring appears from this version of the Kabbalah. And what happened was that Sabbatai Zevi was just like any other rabbi ub that area of the world about a 50 to 70 years now after the time of Isaac Ben Solomon. Isaac Ben Solomon wouldn’t allow anybody to teach his version of the Kabbalah while he was alive. After he died he gave permission to his disciples and students who got to a certain stage to teach other people so it was in a limited form.

What happened with the Sabbatean movement, Sabbatai Zevi started having visions. He was practising this system and he started having visions. He started being able to do conjuring tricks himself. Other people who were practising the same thing as him, started to have visions about Sabbatai Zevi being the Messiah. And these guys were great rabbis and spiritual leaders in the community. And they were all having these dreams and visions about him. So it was very much adding to the fervor of the time. And he himself, they say that he didn’t believe it to start with and came to believe. I mean, the man is again one of these things that is whitewashed – you know, they tried to say it wasn’t really that important. He was just an embarrasment in the history of Judaism.

Let me tell you this now: at the height of his movement, he had one million Jews following him.”

Host: “That’s a big following.”

Guest: “In those days, one million Jews, mainly Ashkenazi but even Sephardic and because they thought he was going to be the Messiah and they’d been following him for almost 20 years, he got them all practising this new Kabbalahistic system. This is where he got all his disciples, the ones who followed him and believed he was a Messiah, he got them all practising this en masse. So we got this enormous change from, you know, the Judaism that everybody knew, into hey this guy is, you know, probably the next Messiah and we’re just waiting for it all to happen and for, you know, light to just break out of the sky. And what happens is he goes to Jerusalem at the height of his popularity to try to gain official blessing from the chief Sephardic rabbis who are still in Jerusalem. They were so frightened by him, his presence and the size of his movement, and everything like that, and they said ‘We will not recognize you. We refuse to recognise you as the Messiah. And in fact, if you stay in Jerusalem, we will excommunicate you from the community.’ So he knew basically he was being told by the Sephardic at this stage ‘We’re not accepting you. Go home. If you want to have a showdown on this one, we’ll give you a showdown.’ And they were not convinced about him. And he was very disappointed. He left. He was only in Jerusalem for like a week and he left very bitter, very angry at the way he’d been treated by them. But he still had his movement following him and he was returning actually to Turkey to meet with various of his followers and the Caliph of the day was very worried. The Turkish Caliph was not happy about the size of the movement and the way that people were thinking this man was the Messiah and the influence that he had as a result. So the Caliph actually had him arrested. This is a very important part of his history. And he was given a sword point, an ultimatum, which is, you can become a Muslim or die. And he chose to become a Muslim.’

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