The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part fourteen

“Everyone thinks it’s left-wing. That the problem is the left gone crazy. It’s not the left. The children of the left may be never heard of Sabbatai Zevi but in the ruling quarters and in Israel there’s not very many people. They know very well who he was. The President of Israel Ben-Zvi went to Turkey and became a true blue Sabbatean. Israel’s founders were Sabbateans who went to Turkey to learn their stuff from the original Sabbateans. This is all true. It’s all true. Israel was the worst thing that ever happened to the Jewish people and that was Labour Zionism.

Now, in Marvin Antoine’s book ‘To eliminate the Opiate’, he calls the holocaust as the Sabbateans called the holocaust. He calls it, oh my goodness, ‘birth offerings’. Birth offerings is the Sabbatean term for the killing of Jews. If you are a Jew who does not believe that Sabbatai Zevi was the Messiah, it is a mitzvah to kill you. They derive energy from this. This isn’t properly understood but it almost came out.”

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