The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part five

From now on, continuing from where we left, we have the lecture from Barry Chamish:

“Surpassed what should be known to every Jew, he really should be in Jewish history something unique and huge because more than half the Jews of the world thought that he was the Messiah and they did really stupid things in the days of redemption. This was in the 1660s when he declared that he was the Messiah of the Jews and he ordered the Jews when he decided that debauchery was theology that every word of the Torah is true in the opposite sense. That means that 613 mitzvot were all sins and all the sins became mitzvot. Well, let’s take a simple example. Do not kill became do kill. Do not commit adultery became do adultery. Purim became his favourite holiday that was the annual white, spotless holiday. It was called ‘Extinguishing the Lights’ and by his order, the Jews swapped wives. All over the world, this was not a local phenomenon. Now all the books say the same thing – that Sabbatai Zevi gained prominence from Iran to Mexico.

All over the world the Messiah was going to come and he announced the date. And this date by the way is significant because it shows that he had Christian backers and theologians behind him. He declared he was the Messiah on June 18, of 1666. June of course is the sixth month. 18 is six times three and we don’t have to, em, plus 666 is obvious. enough.

And on that day all of a sudden it was the time of redemption. And the Jews could do anything they wanted. You know, his prayer, the prayer that the Jews quoted were ‘Blessed be he who permits the forbidden.’ That was the actual Sabbatean prayer.

And the Jews went through an orgy worldwide, again which the Christians would call Satanism but it was certainly, certainly, he changed Judaism in the worst possible way. Now I’m not sure if you understand that Sabbatai Zevi did not die. Now this is the real issue and the real problem. It is that the sultan of Turkey said enough of Sabbatai Zevi. This was in September of 1666. All over the world they were coming to his support. Go and look about Sabbatai Zevi in a book of Jewish history. Where did he go? He was the most influential rabbi in modern times and he has been rubbed out of the history books. Keep that in mind. You can’t find that much of Sabbatai Zevi. But the Sultan of Turkey said enough. You have to convert to Islam. And Sabbatai Zevi, now, there are conflicting reports but he, apparently, without any resistance put on a turbine and the next thing you know he was a Muslim. And most Jews worldwide abandoned Sabbatai Zevi and they were very, very upset. You know you have to realise what they did leading up to the day that he announced he was the Messiah. They stripped their houses of roofs because they thought they were going to be transported magically to Jerusalem. They buried themselves up to their necks and this was, you know, in Europe, leading up to June – it’s awfully cold to be buried in the ground, getting punishment. They would flagellate. They would throw themselves into the Mediterranean, the icy waters. The Jews went nuts. Worldwide, they went nuts. And that’s what’s happening to Israel today. Israel is going nuts.

And I’m trying to explain where it’s coming from and the Israelis just think ‘Damn we got the worst leaders anywhere.’ They just lie. They don’t stop lying. You can’t trust them. Israel is going nuts. And you’re going to see slowly how this came to be.”

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