Occult symbols: the triangle and the ankh

“Everybody recognizes the one at the top. The all-seeing eye, one found at the back of the dollar bill, and also the Seal of the Illuminati. What you don’t know or may not know is that the triangle has always been a very powerful occultic symbol because it’s a spell-casting symbol and it actually represents the three elements of all witchcraft: earth, wind, and fire. Down here, [referring to the symbol below the triangle] it’s a symbol, and it’s an Egyptian symbol, and it is called the Ankh. It is the universal symbol of reincarnation. It’s the worship of the sun god Ra and his son Horus.

Now this was in existence before Jesus. But you notice it almost became a mockery because as it comes up, it has a cross and then it loops. And that means that life doesn’t end. It just continues on and on and on and on. Universal symbol of reincarnation – the ankh. And you know, it just really gets my heart because I’ve been going through in this last tour, I’ve been going through airport after airport and I’ve seen these things being worn on young men with big gold chains hanging on around their neck and I pray to God that they don’t know what that means. I really do.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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