In 1988, Dr. Delbert Blair prophesied that energy frequency manipulation will alter the nature of humanity in the modern era

Author Dr. Delbert Blair prophesied in 1988 that energy frequency manipulation will alter the nature of humanity in the modern era. He discusses the need to stimulate the pineal gland in order to alter our perception.

“If our planet can take in new energy and if the electromagnetic field of our frequency barrier can be altered so that higher frequencies can come in, and that pineal gland kicks in, then y ou will be once again, you will be in tune with the planet, and mankind having no soul, having only the ability to report to the Lord God Master, will go crazy and begin to dysfunction and do crazy things. The human who was part of both will begin to question and try to follow its higher sources and the whole thing will lead to tremendous wars or tremendous configurations. The war will last no time if the sons of God will awaken to who they are because once they get in tune with the planetary head, the planet will do whatever they, as a unit, ask for. That is what some of the people understood but the magicians understand and in a small way try once more to get in frequency with this lower heavens just above where they live on their confidence or the elemental key to obey. It was meant that the sons of God being of the sea of angels didn’t even have to do that. They could summon, they could call forth, they could put aside. But before any of that could be done, they have to first come into the frequency of who they were.

You will begin to hear more about solar activity, all types of energy from the sun that would be very harmful. You’ll hear about ultraviolet light, burning tissues and melanomas, affecting the blood and the skin of people on earth. For the sons of God who have an active pineal gland, that would be a day of blessing. It will not affect you. You will not be burnt. You will simply darken and the melanon growing is simply like a vicious cycle making you more and more powerful. As they get cancers of the skin and glands, your pineal glands begin to awaken and going out. The frequencies are not dead and we are connecting the DNA molecules that were seperated.”

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