Dr. James Wardner’s lecture on freemasonic enemies of America and the World (9)

“Well now this is very interesting, isn’t it, especially when you find out that freemasonry is a religion. I have greatest quotes in here, in my chapter called Freemasonry and the Alcohol:

‘Freemasonry alone possesses the true religion which is Gnosticism. Freemasonry is the universal religion, so says freemasonry. Freemasonry says masonry is the church of human progress.’ That statement is masterful and we don’t realize how masterfully deceiving he is. I’m like you. I want to think that the world is an honest place to live in. I can shake my hand with somebody else and he’ll live up to his part of the bargain. But that’s really not the real world. John says the world is filled with wickedness. We choose not to believe Scripture. We choose not to believe what it says. We want to say that he doesn’t mean that and he really meant something else. Well that’s not just true.

And my point is that as I studied I was dealing with this secular element called the Council on Foreign Relations and if any of you have seen my old tapes or read the plain instruction of America, you know that as we went from president to president to president to president, all we got was the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and more of the Council on Foreign Relations. They control our politics, they control our media, they control the publishing companies.

I paraphrased a list but unfortunately I did it in the computer but I guess I didn’t reprint it, of what the Pope [Pope Leo XIII] basically said in Humanum Genus. But I highlighted some things I think I can get it out here. He said ‘The Roman Pontiffs are predecessors in their incessant watchfulness over the safety of the Christian people were prompt in detecting the presence and the purpose of this capital enemy. Immediately it sprang into the light instead of hiding as a dark conspiracy.’ The masons themselves, if you read their esoteric literature will tell you, they hid out in caves. They hid out from under the Church of Rome until about 1717 when they got together with the Rosicrucians and decided to begin to come into the light to test, to see if they would be allowed to function in the light of day, because in the days of the Inquisition, they were not allowed out of their little cabins. For what reason? Because the Church understood the Luciferian nature of the Secret Societies. Their nature is Luciferian. They are of the Occult, of Baphomet, of Satan.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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