Dr. James Wardner’s lecture on freemasonic enemies of America and the World (10)

“Since the early Church knew that, and since Pope Leo XIII wrote against that, they had a very difficult time coming into the public view. After he published Humanum Genus, the Secretary of State became a member of parliament, who was a secret society member himself. If you read Pascendi of Pope Pius X, you find out that he says that partisans of error were already in the bosom of the Church. He mentions words like ‘in the vein and in the heart of the Church.’ That’s pretty close to some vital territory. In a recent paper I have of the Vatican, I read this:

A subject of international controversy was a directive of the Holy Office of July 1st 1949 excommunicating communists and all persons bi-trading with the communists, that was annulled by John XXIII. In principle the USSR was not recognized by the Vatican until 1961 when John XXIII and Premier Khrushchev exchanged congratulatory New Year’s messages. In 1965 Pope Paul VI in New York received Minister of Foreign Affairs Gromyko who then made success of business with the Vatican in 1966, 1967, 1970, 1979 and 1985. They were like family coming over for dinner. Then the Vatican made negotiations with Bulgaria. First Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov paid a visit to Paul being 1975. Romanian President protested the visit to Paul XI. In June 1978 the First Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party Janos Kadar met with Pope Paul XI in June 1977. On June 3rd 1963, the day of John XXIII death, the death of a head of the Vatican State, was honoured for the first time in the U.N. headquarters by a lowering of the flag halved and a declaration of the U.N. Secretary General. On July 11, 1963, the Secretary General made a visit in the Vatican to the new pontificate, who on March 24, 1964, appointed a new permanent observer to the U.N. with a task of concentrating on problems of peace, disarmament, and the third world.

Paul VI paid a visit to the U.N. headquarters on October 4th, 1965, and made a speech before the U.N. General Assembly against war, elevating the services and the authority of the U.N. He said, ‘You have and are continuing to do great work, teaching people peace.’ ‘The U.N.,’ he said, ‘is a great school which in which the art of peace is learned.’ He spoke in French before the United Nations. That speech was published in the international version of the New York Times. I have that article, that whole speech. And in that speech the United Nations General Assembly Pope Paul VI basically said to the United Nations, ‘we are giving you Catholic Church.’

The lecture can be watched here.

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