Dr. James Wardner’s lecture on freemasonic enemies of America and the World (1)

Dr. James Wardner is author of the books Unholy alliances: The secret plan and the secret people who are working to destroy America and The Planned Destruction of America. In this series, I will be presenting a presentation he had made during a lecture titled “Current Freemasonic Enemies of America and the World”:

“The fabian socialist model is remould the world nearer to the heart’s desire. This picture is a description of Bertrand Russell’s ‘Cathedral Window’ in which you see two men reshaping the world. Oh indeed they pray for this reshaping of the world.

And above the world you’ll see a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing:

They are planning to destroy America. Well, this is the Gore Report on Reinventing Government:

We are reinventing what the founding fathers gave us thanks to Al Gore.

Interestingly this little report on reinventing government, creating a government that works better and costs less, you will see some very interesting symbolism.

You’ll see four stars that are five-pointed inverted stars on this document, which represent a pentagram, the star of Satan. Now the government does not make mistakes like this and to prove that they didn’t make a mistake, they did the same thing at the bottom of this document. I didn’t bring the whole pamphlet with me but on the back it’s there and they are all five-pointed pentagrams as well.

Now, if you know that the Al Gore family has always been financed by Armand Hammer. The same Armand Hammer who financed the Bolshevic Revolution along all others that ought to be a scary thought and it might explain just a little bit of why we may be steamed. Mixed in with our vice president.

This picture right here on Armand Hammer’s shelf:

is a picture of his friend Lenin. It says “To Comrade Armand Hammer”. So obviously money controls what’s happening in Washington D.C.

Now long ago there was a war against an evil man, we were told, I believe he was an evil man, Adolf Hitler. The individuals who represented the various parts of the world, the allied nations, who fought Hitler are seen here: Stalin, FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) and Churchill:

What do these individuals all have in common? Were they Catholics? No. They were all of the same religion though and that religion was the religion of freemasonry. And Adolf Hitler mentioned that he had a pack of freemasons fighting against him.

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