Do some popes wash their hands in innocence when it comes to paedophilia?

According to the satanic sex ritual abuse survivors, some Popes too were and are heavily involved. The names mentioned are Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

Can someone give an innocent explaination to this photo?

Can someone explain what is the young boy lover paedophile symbol doing on Pope Francis’s vest?

Always notice the symbols because their downfall will be brought about by their symbolism.

According to the survivors, both Pope Francis and the Dutch Prince Bernhard, loved hunting parties. This site prefers to spare you, dear readers, the disgusting details, but it boils down to the following:

The hunting parties took place in secretive forests, most of which belong to royal estates in several European countries. The participants, all mentioned in the Elite satanic paedophile cult, would hunt down children, rape them, murder them, and cut off their genitals as a trophy. Truly, these people are sick to the core.

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