Alan Watt on how the ‘war on terror’ is truly the ‘war of terror’ (part ten) – the destruction of families

“They might not have gone off to fight for war if they knew that. The public is lied to in all times when it comes to scheduled wars. Professor Carroll Quigley defined wars and what their purposes were; and apart from the profit-making motives, he said, “the primary purpose of war is to change the cultures on a societal level on all participating sides” and that’s what they did, because government grows so massively during wars, whether it’s an act of physical war or a Cold War, government expands drastically. Today we have the War on Terror; and if you’ve noticed, terror has been redefined. It’s constantly being updated and there’s new topics being put under terror. Someone withholding taxes, or even forgetting or hasn’t put down the right amount down for taxes, is now considered a “financial terrorist.” If you’re talking about certain subjects, you’re “anti-government,” a term borrowed right from the Soviet Union; and you’re also put down as a terrorist. I guess you’re a speech terrorist, a propaganda terrorist.

That’s the state of the world as it is today. It’s going to get a lot worse. The majority of the people will go along quite happily with it, thinking they’re going to be quite safe. They’ll watch their 6 o’clock news. They’ll parrot their 6 o’clock news. They will not want to hear anything different.  I’m sure you’ve all had someone put their hand to their ears and say “I don’t want to hear that” when you tell them some of the truth. Because it’s almost by knowing some of the truth they might be guilty of something, guilty of knowing. Maybe that’s what they’re really afraid of; and you’ll find that as a fact. I keep telling people don’t waste your time trying to wake up those nearest and dearest to you, because the odds of them waking up (when maybe one in ten thousand can wake up) it’s very slim to find someone in your own family who can do it at the same time.

You also find that in the writings of Nero, Tacitus, and others, they gave speeches on how they would alter society to a totalitarian society. How they would get people to give up their rights and freedoms under the threat of terror. They said they would aim all of their safety precautions towards the female, because women by nature expect (in the old days anyway) they expected the men to bear the problems and deal with them. Nothing has changed, even though they’ve had a liberation forced upon them by technology and science and the birth control pill, but nothing has really changed. They still don’t really want to hear. Most of them don’t want to know. Some of the older ones do, because with age comes wisdom. Today we don’t have enough of wise older people around. They’ve been shunned by society. That was done on purpose, because in the early 1900s the big tables, the Round tables and the Communist Party, too, said, “they’d have to break up the generations so that the wise ones would be put into old age homes and despised by the young.” They would have to break up the family and they’ve done that very, very well.

If you’re older today, you don’t count. You’re somehow senile or silly, or you’re in a second childhood, and so your words fall on deaf ears if you have any wisdom at all. Unfortunately, most of them today don’t have any wisdom to pass on. They have never woken up themselves through their entire lives, because for a generation or two we’ve been spoiled. We’ve been spoiled, not by hard work and rewards. We’ve been spoiled by a glut of credit cards. Easy credit, pay later, low terms to keep us all happy buying rewards to please ourselves. Rewards, just like you train a rat to pull a lever and collect its reward; and that’s how people live today. They think that’s natural. You work for a month or so, or a week, then you go off and buy yourself some goody that’s supposed to fulfill your life for you.

Every ad on television tells you, if you buy this particular toothbrush, you’ll have a happy smile all day long (or whatever else they’re selling you). We know it’s a farce. We know it’s untrue, but people want to believe in that because they have no faith in people anymore. They don’t believe they can have happiness with other people anymore. Everyone has been divided scientifically through an indoctrination process from the time they were born. “A scientific technique” as Aldous Huxley called it (and many more of the same ilk). This scientific technique starts with education as young as kindergarten. I’ll be back to talk more about the kindergarten.”

As for the rest of the transcript, there is a Q&A between Alan Watt and people who called on the show to ask questions. You can read this discussion on the link.

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