What is the local media doing to make the public honour Christ and increase Church attendance?

In another blog, Times of Malta’s marketing tactics to sell you the new, upcoming Church were tackled.

What has the local media done to make the public honour Christ and the Church? Has it helped in raising church attendance, for example? In the Times of Malta editorial, hiding behind the disgusting motives of the apostate, modernist, and masonic neo-Church, we come across “Church attendance was already low before COVID-19. Now it is lower.” What utter hypocrisy!

Let us be clear: good works won’t get you to heaven. Baptism won’t get you to heaven. Church attendance won’t get you to heaven. Charity won’t get you to heaven. Feeding the poor won’t get you to heaven. Mass won’t get you to heaven. The rosary won’t get you to heaven. Communion won’t get you to heaven. Parents, friends and clergy won’t get you to heaven. Political affiliation won’t get you to heaven. Positive thinking and meditation won’t get you to heaven. Being a ‘good’ person won’t get you to heaven. Getting you to heaven all boils down to the Son of Man – to the only one who will get you to the Father: it is what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross which gets you to heaven.

But let us just analyse the statement of the Times. For this purpose, let us put the fact that our local Churches closed their doors during the lockdowns aside. Let us put the fact that there was no local Church that came out in public to warn the people against the diabolical agenda of COVID-19 and the deadly vaccines aside. I am sure that many people are now blaming God and losing faith, with loved ones dying suddenly and unexpectedly or being maimed, thanks to the deadly vaccines. We witnessed this in the call that Father Ray Toledo received on his live program. They should, instead, blame the government, the health authorities, and all those who advocated for them. Let us put aside the fact that many priests have no clue about the Holy Bible and that what the world is going through right now has been prophesied in the book of Revelation and that of Daniel! Is the world aware that we are witnessing the unfolding of the Book of Revelation? Are there any local priests who are doing their homework, or are they living dormant in spirit?

But let us put aside all of the above for a moment and point our fingers at the local media. What has the local media been doing to encourage Church attendance? It has endorsed liberal agendas, which surely do not aim for spiritual growth. It had a field day pushing the hate speech agenda with the persecution of the Catholic priest, Father David Muscat. Then it had more fun with the twisting and tweaking of whatever had to be twisted and tweaked, with the persecution of Father Luke Seguna. Then it was the turn of the evangelicals—having a field day with Pastor Gordon Manche, who heads the River of Love Christian Fellowship. Then it was the turn of Phylisienne Brincat.

But then the media revers Pope Francis and talks positively about the synod and the upcoming changes in the Church.

Don’t you think that something is up?

The local media should stop endorsing agendas, calling a spade a spade, and tell the truth as it is to the public, while showing the spiritual road to the people.

Instead, it swims in a lake of hypocrisy because it calls spades forks, and while you think you are safe because you see forks, you are being stabbed with multiple spaced points of entry, with nerves being ticked off across a stripe of tissue, until they go off, and their drops of blood lead you to the trail until you fall in the lake of fire.

Luke 21:36 – “But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

1Timothy 4:1: “In later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “The time will come when people will not listen to the truth, they will look for teachers who will tell them only what what they want to hear. They will not listen to the truth, instead, they will listen to stories made up by men.”

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