The Illuminati-run secret societies and initiation levels

The Illuminati-run secret societies have secret initiation levels, organized like a pyramid where those at one level are ignorant of knowledge held by those at a higher level. It is not possible to join Freemasonry on your own; you need to be recommended by two or more current members, and your application will be reviewed for eligibility. The suggested person won’t be initiated if just one council member declines membership. Every individual is thoroughly vetted to see if the Brotherhood can benefit from him. That does not imply that they are picking only “bad” candidates; on the contrary: Most societies are formally charitable.

The majority of people join for this reason as well as the lie that groups like the Freemasons are Christian. As opposed to this, these groups are highly esoteric, with secret initiation grades and sworn allegiance to the Brotherhood by each member. This implies that if this person holds a particular position in society, such as President, then his allegiance is first to the Brotherhood and then to his office. Thus, he truly possesses two loyalties. As long as a Brother in good standing contributes to the organization and abides by its regulations, he should always be looked after and supported. He will be humiliated and perhaps even killed if he fails or doesn’t keep the secrets.

Maintaining the confidentiality of the information is crucial. If not, the pyramid collapses and the Brotherhood loses its hold over the populace. The Illuminati are afraid of being exposed because they believe that once the public learns about their crimes, they will be killed in a fit of rage.
In actuality, a large number of Freemasons in the lower grades are quite happy to be members. They have a strong “belonging-feeling” and discover some universe’s mysteries, which are not covered in the classroom. They are frequently enthralled and excited. “Freemasonry, aside from my spouse, is the most important thing in my life,” stated a fellow Freemason. By the way, his wife should never be aware of what her husband is doing in society because it is meant to be kept a secret and women are typically not permitted in societies (however, there ARE some societies specifically for women, such as the Freemasonic “Eastern Star”). The question of why women are paid less for doing the same job as men and are generally viewed as having less value in society can then be speculated upon. It’s the world of the man-dominated Secret Societies, a world of men.

The Brotherhood is keen to appoint good people (celebrities and those in positions of general public admiration are very valuable to recruit) to speak well of the cult and defend it when needed in order to present a positive front. Additionally, this person will sound more sincere in his defense of the organization the less those people know about the true agenda. This also applies to any kind of religious cult, as they are all somehow linked to the network of covert societies.

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