The Heresies of Pope Francis (10) – the presiding over a pagan ceremony

On 3rd October 2019, a ceremony was held in preparation for the heretical Amazon Synod which was convened by Pope Francis in Rome and in which he participated. During such a ceremony, “Mother Nature/Earth” was honoured in a pagan ritual.

This pagan ceremony which he approved, was organized by the radical political organization, the Global Catholic Climate Movement. Its name “Pago a la tierra” already mirrored its ritual’s pagan nature which portrays a pagan sacrifice practised among indigenous pagan people in some parts of South America.

“Having adapted this pagan ritual to the radical policy of ‘global warming’, participants of the ceremony carried in a hands a bowl of earth from different places around the world, each of which symbolized a different problem of ‘ecology’.”

“The participants fell on their faces in an act of adoration, and then began to dance in front of the statues of two naked pregnant women. One of the statues was presented to pope Francis by a woman, who blessed him. This woman called the statue ‘Our Lady of the Amazon’.

After what appeared to be the offering of prayers by participants, who prostrated themselves on the grass around a blanket upon which fruit, candles and several carved items were set, an indigenous woman approached the Antipope Francis and presented him with a black ring, which appeared identical to the one she was wearing and which the pope Francis blessed.”

This ring represented pagan magic and murderous contemporary/marxist-modernist neojesuitical ‘theology of liberation’.

Pope Francis was so overwhelmed by the ceremony that he just stared, without making any comments prepared earlier. The Vatican also declined to comment on the ring.

Pope Francis was not just a mere witness, but he approved, invited and participated in this pagan ceremony. Pope Francis is a total apostasy from the Catholic Faith, is not a Catholic, is not representing and honouring Christ and is not a pope.

We are at the stage that if you are a Catholic or a Christian, and want to be saved, you should completely cut yourself off from what the Vatican, under the helm of Pope Francis, is teaching:

1 Corinthians 10:20: “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.”

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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