The Heresies of Pope Francis (1) – the meaning of the Credo and the nature of God

When Pope Francis was still a cardinal, back in June 2006, he knelt down to receive a “blessing” from the Protestant heretic at the “Third Fraternal Meeting of the Community of Evangelicals and Renewed Catholics” in Buenos Aires. Bergoglio hosted the interfaith liturgy in his cathedral in Buenos Aires in November 2012, in collaboration with the Jewish-Masonic lodge B’nai B’rith of Argentina.
Every year, he celebrated Chanukah with the local Jewish synagogue in Argentina.

As a pope, he stated that Catholicism and Judaism are “connected by a very special spiritual bond.” He purposefully violated the Holy Thursday tradition by celebrating Mass in a juvenile prison and, instead of washing the feet of “priests” (as is customary in the Catholic Church), he washed and dressed the feet of juveniles, including two women, who were Muslims.

Pope Francis believes that there is no Catholic God, that doctrinal certainty no longer exists, and that anyone who claims to know the answers to all questions has no God in him. Furthermore, according to him, proselytism is nonsense, and atheists can enter heaven. Thus, his claims demolish the meaning of the Credo, the nature of God, the possibility of attaining doctrinal truths, the divine mission of converting others to these truths, and faith as a requirement for eternal salvation.

He also stated that moral teaching about the sixth and ninth commandments is a jumbled mess of doctrines that cannot be stubbornly imposed, and that one should not be obsessed with issues like abortion, homosexual marriages, and contraception. Objective adultery, he claims, allows for heretical “pastoral solutions.” Everyone has their own idea of what is good and bad, and spiritual interference in one’s personal life is impossible (“Who am I to judge?”).

These statements trivialize mortal sins, label those who claim otherwise as “haunted,” trivialize adultery, condemn moral judgments, and conscience as autonomous and supreme authority, and as a result, they refuse to have the right to impose anything on an individual conscience.

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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