The Dutch Royal Family and the link to the Nazis – part one

The Dutch royal family. Both King Willem-Alexander and his wife Maxima have interesting fathers.

Maxima’s father, Jorge Zorreguieta was Minister of Agriculture in the regime of General Jorge Videla, a military dictator who ruled Argentina from 1966 to 1981.

He was responsable for the kidnapping, torture and murder of an estimated 30,000 people. As part of the Videla government, Zorreguieta must have known of the atrocities but he claimed not to have been aware of the so-called Dirty War. In 2006, Zorreguieta was discredited once again, during a lawsuit of the Banco Central de la Republica Argentina for money laundering the profits of drugs’ and weapons’ trade. Zorreguieta was on the board of directors between 86 and 96, the time of make-a-deals between the bank and drug cartels. Once again, he came out clean due to bribery and corruption.

His daughter Maxima, didn’t meet Willem-Alexander until 1999, in Spain. This is the official narrative which is weird as the Dutch royal family had known the Zorreguietas for generations. Why did they lie about that?

Prince Bernhard, Willem-Alexander’s grandfather, frequented Argentina and the Zorreguietas even before World War II. Both families had a holiday mansion in Baden Logge, a ski area with mostly German visitors and inhabitants. As a matter of fact, this place was a Nazi den to which many Nazi scientists went during Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip is a secret service program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers and technicians were taken from Germany to the USA for government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former leaders of the Nazi Party.

In schools, we were taught that the Nazi leaders were all convicted in the Nuremberg trials; that justice was served. But do you know that only ten Nazis were hanged and only seven went to jail? So from such a big Nuremberg trial, only seventeen of them were punished? Did you think, for one millisecond, that they all got what they deserved? We then should start reframing our mind. They had way too much knowledge. Most of them were welcomed in open arms by NATO, NASA and so forth:

Many Nazi engineers and scientists did not go to the U.S. but went to South America instead, especially after their retirement. Argentina was very popular among them especially the inhabitable Patagonia where they were safe from post-war Nazi hunters. Baden Lodge was such a place. Who, for example, of the big Nazi names, lived in such a place?

Erich Priebke, responsable for and actively participating in the killing of 335 Italian men and boys in 1944.

Reinhard Kopps, SS officer who helped many Nazis escape to Argentina after the war.

Joseph Mengele, the ‘angel of death’ who performed horrific experiments on children.

Adolph Eichmann, one of the major organisers for Holocaust.

All the above lived in Baden Lodge, which later became the favourite ski resort of the Dutch royal family and the Zorreguietas.

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