The “Black Nobility”and the Illuminati

The definition of Illuminati is twofold. Firstly, it can be defined as a group of individuals who assert to be exceptionally knowledgeable about a particular topic. Secondly, it can be any group organization which claims to have unique religious understanding or claiming special religious enlightenment.

Illuminati is a Latin word, derived from the plural of illminatus. It is the past participle of illuminaire, which means to light up. These definitions, including to illuminate, are taken from “The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.”

These individuals are the main players on the global stage; they essentially come from thirteen of the richest families on the planet, and they are the men who—yes, mostly men, with a few exceptions—rule the world in the background. They are the people who set the rules that presidents and governments must abide by and who are known as the “Black Nobility” or Decision Makers. They are frequently shielded from public scrutiny because they find it difficult to tolerate criticism of their actions. Their lineage dates back many thousands of years, and they take great care to maintain the purity of those bloodlines across the generations. Interbreeding is the only way to accomplish this.

Their power comes from the economy and the occult; power is created by money and the more money you have, the more powerful you are. So money is power. The Illuminati control most governments, or at least have influence over them, and they own all international banks, oil companies, and the most potent companies in trade and industry. They also have political connections. The presidential election in the United States is one instance of this. It goes without saying that the candidate with the greatest financial support wins the election and has the authority to “uncreate” the rival. And who is the “right” candidate’s sponsor? It’s the Illuminati. They usually provide funding for both teams to participate in the game. They choose the next president, and they will stop at nothing to ensure their man’s victory—even if it means lyiny, or using deception, as they did in Florida when George W. Bush “won” against Al Gore. Given that the Illuminati also control the drug trade, it makes sense that drug money funds the majority of presidential campaigns. Elections are essentially unnecessary, but they allow us to cast our votes in order to play a game, and by doing so, they appear to uphold the Constitution. Is the President actually in charge of the game, though? Not the smallest. The Illuminati, whose elite members are primarily international bankers, is the real power broker, not the political establishment.

The leading contenders for the presidency are carefully selected from the thirteen Illuminati families’ occult bloodlines. If we examine the ancestry and family trees of all US presidents from the start to the present, we will find that nearly all of them are members of the same royal bloodline and are therefore “family”; related through ancestry. In royalty, we have the Illuminati.

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