On some of the secrets of secret societies

Over time, a small percentage of members will advance through the ranks of the secret society until they reach the most important and elite levels. However, a very cautious selection is made up there. A higher level Brother asks the apprentice to spit on the Christian cross before they advance to the upper grades of the cult. The higher initiated Brother tells the person he did the right thing and has demonstrated his loyalty to his religion if the person refuses because of his Christian beliefs. However, that individual will never be accepted into the top grades. The council will never stop giving him reasons why he can’t go on.

If, however, the individual does spit on the cross, he is demonstrating his allegiance to the Brotherhood and is deemed reliable enough to be accepted and advance up the hierarchy. From now on, he will be able to access the “secret libraries” that contain the wisdom of ancient times, and he will be permitted to partake in both the magic rituals and some of it. He will be getting more and more entangled in Satanism and Black magic, and ready for the “Big secrets,” which include the following:

  1. The true powers behind the society, Satan and his demons, are in communication with the secret society.
  2. The society’s goal is to establish a One World Government, in which they will rule over all humankind. However, the Luciferian, or “alien,” force will be positioned above them in the hierarchy.
  3. The use of occult power and mind control with the intention of manipulating the masses is the means of controlling them. This implies that the occult notion of reality will also be ingrained in society through the media, music, Hollywood, and other channels (this is already happening every day).
  4. According to renowned 33° Freemason Manly P. Hall, the reward for selling one’s soul to the aforementioned forces is power and money. Demons will take possession of the practitioner and aid him in achieving his objectives; however, the trade-off is that the practitioner will lose his soul upon physical death (a steep price to pay for “success”).
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