Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas’ founder: how Hamas taught them that without shedding innocent blood, they won’t build an Islamic state

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas’ founder, stated in a 2014 CNN interview that “In the mosques, Hamas taught us that without shedding innocent blood for the sake of ideology, we won’t be able to build an Islamic state. They were preparing us from 5 years old.”

Journalist: “Joining us now we have Mosab Hassan Yousef, author of ‘Son of Hamas’. Thanks for joining us. Your father was the founder of Hamas. You were groomed to take a leadership position but eventually you converted to Christianity and rejected their political and military objectives. Why did you do that?”

Mosab: “Well, for the simple reasons that we see right now in Gaza – that Hamas does not care about lives of Palestinians, does not care about the lives of Israelis or Americans. They don’t care about their own lives. They consider dying for the sake of their ideology, a way of worship. And how can you continue in that society?”

Journalist: “Can you co-exist with someone who is into destruction?”

Mosab: “Well, Hamas is not seeking co-existence, the compromise. Hamas is seeking conquest and taking over. And by the way, Israel, the destruction of the State of Israel is not Hamas’s final destination. Hamas’s final destination is building the Islamic Hilata, which means an Islamic state on the level of every other civilisation. These are the ultimate goals of the movement.”

Journalist: “Mosab, you’re saying in your book that the Hamas targets civilians as a tool of war. Tell us more about the Hamas that you know from growing up in the West bank.”

Mosab: “Well in the mosques Hamas taught us that we vouch innocent blood for the sake of the ideology. We want to be able to build an Islamic State. They were preparing us from the age as young as five years old. This is the ideology that Hamas was feeding us and honestly it’s impossible almost for anybody to break through and see the truth of the real face of Hamas and be able to leave at some point. As you see in my case, I had to lose everything just to say no to Hamas. And today when I look at the children of Gaza and they are know what they are fed, I know that they have no choice.”
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