Lucifer’s Trust which was then changed to Lucis Trust and the UN

London’s Lucifer’s Trust was established in 1922, but it was eventually renamed Lucis Trust because the original name was too obvious. The United Nations has officially recognized the non-governmental Trust. Additionally, it is a continuation of the Theosophical Society, another covert organization that shaped Adolf Hitler’s beliefs regarding the Arian Super Race. The occultist Robert McNamara, a former US minister of defense, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and IBM’s Thomas Watson, a former ambassador to Moscow, are among the sponsors of Luci’s Trust. Among the front groups supporting Luci are the United Nations, Greenpeace International, Greenpeace USA, Amnesty International, and UNICEF.

The UN headquarters in New York is home to Lucis Trust’s sole “religious” chapel, the Temple of Understanding, where Satanism is practised.
It’s interesting that Lucis Trust publicly states that a covert organization of enlightened New Age luminaries is now operating the planet behind the scenes. Fr. McNamara, S.J., a Jesuit priest, is in charge of the Manila Space Observatory.

It is of no doubt that we live in the information age. Anyone with a computer or smartphone has access to a multitude of information. However, despite the abundance of available information, a significant portion of the global population remains unaware of the actual purpose behind the creation of the United Nations. So, let’s explore history briefly and see where it takes us when it comes to this Lucis Trust.

As a forerunner to the UN, the League of Nations was founded in 1920 with the goal of creating a worldwide framework for governing bodies to collaborate on international matters. This same organization evolved into what is now known as the United Nations by 1945. The United Nations was founded on occult spiritualism and has had a single mission: to unite the world under a single system.

However, what proof exists for this assertion?

It was theosophist Alice Bailey founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company” in 1922 with her husband, 32-degree Freemason Foster Bailey. Lucis Trust promotes a very spiritual agenda while operating inside the UN and disseminating UN materials globally.

Here is a small excerpt directly from the Lucis Trust website (

“The Lucis Trust was established by Alice and Foster Bailey as a vehicle to foster recognition of the universal spiritual principles at the heart of all work to build right relations.

A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in the State of New Jersey, USA, in May 1922 to publish the book, Initiation Human and Solar. The ancient myth of Lucifer refers to the angel who brought light to the world, and it is assumed that the name was applied to the publishing company in honour of a journal, which had been edited for a number of years by theosophical founder, HP Blavatsky. It soon became clear to the Bailey’s that some Christian groups have traditionally mistakenly identified Lucifer with Satan, and for this reason the company’s name was changed in 1924 to Lucis Publishing Company.”

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