How the media has again resorted to manipulation by twisting Phylisienne Brincat’s statement to create sensation and a divide through the anti-Christian agenda while the popolin gets on board

The local propaganda machines – the mainstream media, through a programme aired on another propaganda machine of the tell-a-vision-malta, in other words, TVM via a programme which hit the nail on its head through its name “Popolin”, because they truly serve to give the popolin a popolin mentality, have had a field day making fun of local religious groups. I am referring to the statement, as reported but twisted by the media, uttered by local singer Phylisienne Brincat on the propaganda programme of the host Quinton Scerri.

Let me be clear: I did not watch the programme because I refuse to watch visions of lies which I am given from the tell-a-lie vision. But from what I read, analysed and asked trustworthy sources who watched the programme, the reached conclusion was one and the same: Phylisienne Brincat was misinterpreted, was not even given a chance to elaborate and explain herself and that the programme should not have touched on such topics which require a very long analysis and ideally, where you have one individual who not only is extremely knowledgeable of the word of God, the Bible, but who can deliver it and explain it really well, to the point that it makes the public reflective and get closer to God.

But this was not the aim of the propaganda machines. In yet another spin, they have used these religious groups and as the machine Lovin Malta has described it, “their beliefs” [because now it is about them and us] this was just another way to procure another divide in society and to push people away from religious groups, religion, spirituality, and possibly God – our Lord the Saviour Jeshua, or Jesus Christ.

Notice the words in the headlines so to make Christians look in a bad light: LovinMalta’s is “‘Disgusting’: Major Backlash After Gospel Singer Says ‘Disability A Result Of Sin’ On TVM.” That of Times of Malta: “Shock as popular singer links disability to ‘original sin‘ in TV interview.” And then that of Newsbook, the church media which should be praising and thanking the Lord with each article and who should be guiding the popolin towards the Truth without adhering to agendas [dream on dear readers]: “Rabja u kundanna għal suġġerimenti li persuni b’diżabilità huma frott id-dnub.”

Dear popolin, wake up! When asked if illnesses come from sin by the propaganda host Quinton Scerri, Brincat replied “It’s not just in them, but from generation to generation. Isn’t that how sin entered, by way of Adam? Let’s start from the beginning. God created us perfect. God didn’t create us to die.” What Brincat meant was that humanity has cursed itself when it started sinning. And please do not tell me because Adam and Eve did not exist. Surely, in the beginning, there must have been a man and a woman that started the human race! And please don’t you dare come up with the atheist invented lie of the big bang theory, which I will deal with in the future! And even if you have swallowed this big bang lie, you do not have to be super intelligent to understand that in the beginning, there must have been one man and one woman who produced children and who gave rise to the human race!

Unfortunately, this statement of Brincat has given rise to mixed comments with everybody having his say, with some comments even making fun of such religious groups and those who read the bible, like the below, whereby reading the Bible is seen as a mediocre thing:

[First and foremost, whoever reads the Biblical and the Qoran has some brain cells missing….Whoever uses it as a guide and starts quoting, has more cells missing.]

Then you get a liberal comment which refuses to see that a doctrine is a doctrine, that the Bible is still relevant up to these days, and that traditionalism and liberalism do not mix:

Dear popolin, wake up! Phylisienne Brincat has a sister who has a disability! Do you think she wanted to hurt? Why have some taken it personally?

Dear popolin, wake up! The media used Brincat not only to create controversy but to keep on ushering the anti-Christian agenda until they create a Maltese society which is Christ-less, where everyone lives happily ever after in the pathetic new age fake religion of the new age movement run by the false prophets or the new age keepers where they teach you their one consciousness doctrine but who control the alternative narrative.

Dear popolin, wake up to the fact that the media used Brincat to create controversy and make fun of Christians, like it made fun of Pastor Gordon Manche’s statement that he has had a vision of Christ. Do you refuse to believe? Fine. Do you refuse to love Christ? Fine. Free will, dear popolin! But it does not give you the right to make fun of anything which appears non-sense to you! Many comments I’ve read spewned hatred and venom which made me nauseatic on realising how emotionally and spiritually poor, people are!

Dear popolin, if you know the Bible better, or you were taught its interpretation, because the Bible is not an easy book to understand, albeit powerful, God does not punish a new generation for the sins of a former generation. But God does hold us responsable when we don’t learn from our parents’ mistakes. Isn’t this common sense? Doesn’t it make sense that it is the responsibility of every generation to not repeat the mistakes of those that came before it?

Dear popolin, also please note that generational curses exist. But God’s grace is greater than any generational curses. And then usually it takes one powerful member of the family who, through inner hard-work, breaks this curse.

Dear popolin, also please note that generational traumas exist too – traumas that are passed on from mothers to daughters and fathers to sons and vice versa. And again, usually it takes one powerful member of the family who, through inner hard-work, stops this trauma from being passed on to the next.

So, what Phylisienne Brincat meant is that God should not be blamed for illnesses and disability. On the contrary, God created everything perfect. What causes illnesses and disability is a long subject of its own which one can speak of from the scientific and medical perspective. But Brincat was trying to explain herself biblically. I am sure she did not articulate herself well and she was not given enough time to explain herself well. And maybe she mixed the Old Testament with the New Testament because, dear popolin, you should know that Exodus 20:5 states that “the iniquities of the fathers are visited upon the sons and daughters – unto the third and fourth geenration” a concept which implicates that “unresolved issues get handed down from generation to generation.” But in no way did Brincat mean that a disabled child is born to a sinful couple or sinful generations. At the end of the day, who is not a sinner?

But, dear popolin, remember that Jesus is the bondage breaker. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once. So, we were all saved through Jesus Christ!

Shame on the programme and on the media! At the end of the day, this woman needs to go out and face people. I pray she receives all the support needed from those who hold her dearly.

Dear popolin, wake up to the media’s spin and manipulative tactics to make you abhor religious groups, become distant from the Church and from God, to create a more of a godless society which we already have! If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will not allow anything, anyone and any media to fool you!

Dear popolin, understand that this was yet another old trick by the media so that you are played like pawns so they keep you fighting each other, so that we never fight the true enemy which is the establishment.

And dear popolin, stop blaming God for all the evil in the world and anything you cannot understand, like illnesses, disability and suffering. Start blaming Satan. Start blaming the Globalists and the grid they created for us! Blame pesticides. Blame vaccines. Blame ‘the science’. Blame the oppressive, enslaving system. Blame the politicians. Blame corruption. Blame the mafiosi pharmaceutical companies. Blame the Elites. Blame the controllers. Blame the puppeteers and their puppets.

And lastly, blame yourselves for not putting your foot down, and by turning to God, you ask His help so that altogether, with God at our centre, we bring an end to all this! What we allow continues!

Dear popolin, I hope one day you come to understand that it is not about Phylisienne Brincat, or any priest, or any pastor, but that everything is actually the result of humanity doing the opposite of what God commands us to do.

And dear popolin, if you ask “But what have I done? I believe in God. I live a life of compassion, and love” and so forth, then the below explanation might make it easier for you to understand what Pylisienne Brincat meant:

[If we would have intertwined God with our entire life, and make of our life a continuous battle against evil, then maybe we can start seeing the initial question from a different perspective: ‘To whom does sin belong?” And we realise the truth from Jesus’s reply: neither his nor that of his parents. The truth is that the fault is of all of us, of the whole human race in its totality, the sin is that of Adam, that is, of all the human beings together. To understand the meaning of baptism, we would have to first understand the solidarity of human beings, that none of us is an individual on its own, but we are all part of the same Adam, shredded and dispersed, that Jesus Christ then ties back together.]

Dear popolin, wake up because if you are not careful, you will turn into a group of rats being led by the Journalistic Pied Pipers so to lure you into yet another trap, that of being part and parcel of the fine persecution against Christians.

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