How the 1965 report of the White House started the climate fraud with a concern for pollution and a depiction of CO2 as a pollutant

After the classified release of the “CIA Memorandum on Climate Control” in1960, President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, and the beginning of the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963, the more transparent or diplomatic language about weather modification was substituted with fraud-wording.

In the report released in 1965 by the White House titled “Environmental Pollution Panel, President’s Science Advisory Committe”, or the phrase “controlling the weather” was changed to “Restoring the Quality of our Environment” and the concern for pollution was used to frame and depict the CO2 as a pollutant!

This document subverted reality and scientific understanding, but in order to give the fraud legitimacy, it was presented in a “scientific” way. All of the men who contributed to this paper, or who at the very least gave permission for their names to be used, had to be utter fools or self-serving betrayers lacking integrity and moral character. They will go down in human history as goons of the largest-scale criminal enterprise.

In this document, there are other elements of the fraud, which, since its release, are repeated up till this day ad nauseam on all channels of the Imperium Media. These are the environmental pollution as a by-product of man’s actions, the effects of an increase in atmospheric CO2, the rise of atmospheric CO2 with the burning of fossil fuels, that fossil fuel combustion produces 100x the rate metallic carbonates can maintain current levels of atmospheric CO2 , the explanation of the greenhouse effect and that is was hypothesized as ‘science’ as early as 1899, that CO2 content of the atmosphere increased by 1.36% in 5 years, that fossil fuel combustion the only producer of new CO2 – 7% higher than a century ago,   that 150 years from the release of this document, with present consumption, there had to be an expected 170% increase in atmospheric CO2, that the ocean can only absorb a small portion of CO2 and it’s a slow process,  that by 2000, there will be a 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 compared to the 19th century,  that this 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 could increase average temp. by .6 to 4 degrees celsius,  that there were only 400 years left until the Antarctic ice cap is melted,  that the 1960s atmospheric warming was a global phenomenon – where the average rise was of .5 degrees celsius, that a 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 will cause changes in climate and properties in the stratosphere and finally, that the potential solution is none other than change the reflectivity of the ocean for an estimated $500 million a year.

This wrong fraud has been slowly, slowly injected in nations’ populations from the media and school until we are seeing it climaxing in our times, with the climate fraud agenda.

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