Has Fr Anthony Fitzpatrick turned himself into a liberal Catholic priest while endorsing Pope Francis’s opening message at the Synod?

Ever since this site started publishing articles about Pope Francis, the media started responding. This is the case with the flowery tail of the propaganda monster, Gwida.mt. It is good to know because each time this site triggers a reaction, it means that this site is on the right track and is bringing a change in the paradigm shift.

This was the case with the article of Gwida.mt titled “‘Ġesù Ma Felaħx Lill-Ipokriti…Imma Laqa’ Lill-Midneb, Lit-Tfal, Lill-Prosituti’ – Fr. Anthony Fitzpatrick.”

Gwida.mt quotes a post which was written by Fr Anthony on his Facebook wall which reads:

“Ftit qari tajjeb għal dawk il-ftit individwi li qegħdin jattakkaw u jikkritikaw il-ħidma u l-missjoni ta’ Knisja miftuħa għal kulħadd bħalma Kristu laqa’ lil kulħadd. FLIMKIEN irridu nkomplu naħdmu ha nibqgħu Knisja inklussiva. [A good read for all those individuals who are attacking and criticisng the work and mission of the Church which is open for everyone just like Christ welcomed everyone. We must continue to work together so that we continue to remain an inclusive Church.]

Ġesù ma felaħx lill-ipokriti…imma laqa lill-midneb, lit-tfal, lil prostituti (li fl-Evangelju qalilna hemm min jistagħġeb li ħa jkunu qabilna fis-Saltna tas-smewwiet). Ma staqsa xejn lil ħadd imma stieden għall-imħabba ta’ Alla. Min jiġġudika u jkeċċi oħrajn qed jagħmel kollox ħlief iħobb. [Jesus could not stand the hypocrites, but he welcomed the sinner, the children, the prostitutes (where in the Gospel we are told there are those who wonder that they will be before us in the Kingdom of heaven). He did not ask anything from anyone but invited for the love of God. He who judges and dismisses others is doing anything but loving.]

Aħna ħa nibqgħu Knisja li tilqa’. Dik hi l-missjoni li tana Ġesù nnifsu! Dan hu l-ispirtu li qed jonfoħ fil-knisja u diversi jippruvaw joħonquh. [We will remain a Church that is welcoming. That is the mission that Jesus gave us. This is the spirit that is blowing in the church and many are trying to stifle it.]

“Pope Francis on Oct. 4 officially opened a long-anticipated Vatican summit on the very future of Catholicism, encouraging its participants — bishops and laypeople alike — to reject the temptations of doctrinal rigidity and to embrace a vision of the church that is open and welcoming to all.

‘The blessing and welcoming gaze of Jesus prevents us from falling into some dangerous temptations: of being a rigid church, which arms itself against the world and looks backward; of being a lukewarm church, which surrenders to the fashions of the world; of being a tired church, turned in on itself,” Francis said in a homily in St. Peter’s Square that marked the start of the monthlong Synod of Bishops’ synod on synodality.'”

Father Fitzpatrick, firstly, do not twist Jesus’s words and explain it in its entirety, instead of picking and choosing part of it to make your point, which is not valid at all. Jesus was first and foremost telling the parables of the two sons which is about obedience and disobedience. Father Fitzpatrick, you should know that Jesus’ parable told the priests that they’d claimed to accept the message from God but they’d failed to live up to it by being obedient. So, the hypocrites were the Pharisees priests of His time who held powerful and important religious positions. Jesus, comparing these religious leaders to the second son, said that even the tax collectors and prostitutes who believed John the Baptist and repented will enter the kingdom of God before these important and powerful religious men.

So, Father Fitzpatrick, in no way has any conservative and traditionalist, including myself, have ever said that the church should condemn individuals and exclude people. But priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and even the Pope who you are quoting, have a bigger responsibility to be good shepherds and lead the flock towards Christ and on the right path. This means that Jesus’s teachings are not to be twisted to suit ears of fools and that while the Church is to welcome sinners, prostitutes and whatever, because we are all sinners, the Church has the responsability to show them the way to repentance, because after all, in John 8:11, we see that when Jesus lifted himself up and saw none but the adulterous woman, he told her “Woman, where are those your accusers? Has no man condemned you?” and she replied, “No man, Lord”, Jesus replied “Neither do I condemn you: go, AND SIN NO MORE.” So, the Church must welcome sinners but must then tell them the Truth: that as long as they are in their sinful state, they cannot receive the Eucharist and they are to repent, steer away from their sinful path, sin no more, and renew their spirit.

Because, Father Fitzpatrick, if you just state that the Church must be inclusive and stop there, then this is just another liberal claim. Because if the Church is going to fall into the trap of wanting to please the liberals, with their claim that the Church cannot remain, as this Pope said, working within a ‘doctronal rigidity’, then we might as well all remain sinners, without any hard work at all to live the Christian way, and live the fake fairytale which the Church is trying to sell. Since when is the doctrine of the Church regarded as rigid? The Church should be following Christ’s teachings but without twisting it to appease the liberals!

In addition, Father Fitzpatrick, are you aware of the agendas that are being fomented since the start of the pseudo-pandemic Covid-19, during which the same Church closed its doors to the congregation? Are you aware that Father Borg of the Times, came out publicly stating that the non-vaccinated should be excluded from society?

Why hasn’t one Catholic priest in Malta came out publicly to tell the nation that the Covid-19 vaccines are experimental, deadly and the work of Satan? I myself know only one but who did so privately. In his words “If I talk publicly, I will be stripped from priesthood.”

Why are priests silent on the receiving of the Eucharist on the hand, when I personally know quite a few who are against it? And I know this because I happened to be the only one during Mass who accepts to receive the Eucharist in my mouth, which has drawn the attention of some priests. Our Lady of Fatima has warned us of this in one of her apparitions. So, why didn’t priests voice out their concern when the receipt of the Eucharist in the hand was allowed? And why don’t they do now?

I beg local priests to drop the fear and speak the Truth in the name of Jesus Christ! Would you rather play it safe and hide behind the lies or would you rather speak the Truth? Are priests Christians in the spirit or Christians in the flesh? If they are the latter, then for them the former are speaking gibberish!

Why are you endorsing the liberal agendas that even this Pope, or anti-Pope is endorsing, Father Fitzpatrick? Are you aware of what is going on when it comes to Pope Francis? Don’t you find it strange that this Pope has endorsed the agenda of the climate change, another hoax being imposed by the Satanic Globalist Elite? Newsbook published this news following this site’s blog, and when it did, it resorted to its usual propagandist narrative to push it on the nation:

This site has been publishing numerous articles, so to give the public the first stepping stones while they walk the path of Truth.

And if this site is publishing fake news, then damned is this site and I will put myself in front of the crowd for judgment. The judgment I would have to fear, is that of God, because the last judgment, is His.

Father Fitzpatrick, I will pray for you so that you sharpen God’s given discernment, and so that the Holy Spirit will guide you to decipher between lies and truth; between evil agendas which are being endorsed by false prophets and fake shepherds, wolves in sheep’s clothing. I will pray for you and all local priests so that you all learn how to use the wisdom of God with the carnal men, so that you are innocent like doves but wise like serpents so that you won’t give the enemy a foothold.

May Malta have a priest who comes openly to talk about the evil agendas being fomented from whoever is pushing them: whether it is a politician, a priest, a bishop, an archbishop, a cardinal, a pope, the media, or whoever. Malta needs someone like Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who, albeit being persecuted for speaking openly, he strongly continues, not only to teach and reach millions, but also becoming an inspiration for many non-believers who even converted to Christ. And Mar Mari Emmanuel, did not bow to any agenda. This is the kind of change that our local Church needs: to deliver sermons and teachings which keep you interested for hours, so that the people are helped in their spiritual growth.

The church of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel also distributes hampers to people in need. He is on record stating this often in his talks. Why doesn’t Churches also give a hand to those who are genuinely struggling?

May local priests understand what is going on, or else they will be the hypocrites that Jesus scolded in the gospel; they will be the ones guilty of leading the flock astray, even maybe unaware, from Jesus.

May local priests do not become, without knowing, liberal fools:

“Do not speak in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.” [Proverbs 23:9]

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