From one disaster to the next: the survey of Malta Today that shows that the PN is ahead. When will the nation realise that both parties are wings of the same bird?

According to MaltaToday’s October survey, the Nationalist Party is enjoying “a relative majority and is leading the Labour Party by two points as more Labour voters park themselves in the ever-growing non-voter camp.”

I am not going to comment on this survey, its credibility, or its results because analyzing surveys and debating them is not my forte. My reflective input about this is otherwise.

What worries me is the fact that the Maltese nation keeps on buying the two-party illusion bait. They think they are being given a varied choice and that in the election, they are going for a different choice. In reality, both parties are two wings of the same bird. So you can vote as many times as you can, but the flight plan does not change.

It reminds me of the Turkish proverb that states that while the forest was shrinking, the trees kept voting for the axe because the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because its handle was made of wood, it was one of them.

Besides, the nation thinks that by voting for the opposing party, something will change. Sure! Keep on paying taxes, keep on shopping, keep on watching Tik Tok, keep on reading celebrity gossip, and keep on voting for the political puppets. You are making the management and the establishment very happy who is in turn thanking you for believing the illusion.

Let me remind you that the PN tagged along with the Labour government and endorsed COVID-19 and the Great Reset agenda while ignoring those who were warning about this. None of them stopped to think about and give value to the plea of those citizens. And thus, we are going through the Great Reset, where unelected psychopaths have artificially induced chaos in the world so they can build it back in their own sick image. And yet, both parties make you believe that all these world events (COVID-19, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, etc.) just happen by accident. Well, they don’t. As Denis Healey stated, “World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.”

Let me remind you that the PN backed the deadly, experimental COVID-19 vaccines ‘for your health and safety’. And when a product needs celebrity endorsement, laws against those who speak against it, tech giants banning information about its dangers, and government and any political party backing, then it is a product that you need to avoid at all costs, and any political party that backs it up should not be trusted for any reason at all.

In my opinion, neither the PN nor the PL can bring you the change you need, dear nation, because you must be the change.

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