Father Ray Toledo: the priest who has the guts to say it loud on air – the Covid-19 vaccines are killing people

Father Ray Toledo needs no introduction. He hosts a program on Xejk TV titled “Ġesu’ Jiena Nafda Fik”, of which one can also find the Facebook page “Ċenaklu Ġesu Jiena Nafda Fik.”

Father Ray Toledo is one of the few, if not the only one, who advocates for the communion on the tongue, as should be. I am of the belief that this is the right and only way that we should receive the Holy Communion. He also expressed his views about various other matters, for example his views on why priests should not be allowed to get or be married, despite Pope Francis having discussed revising priestly celibacy.

Each week, on this Facebook page, one can finds the program of Fr. Toledo. The following is the one of this week, for those who are guided by the Holy Spirit to attend or who maybe would like to take advice, be guided or helped by Fr. Toledo, or just join for a mass or a praying session.

FRI 13TH: Xejk Tv – 6:30pm: Quddiesa, 8:30pm: Programm ‘Ġesu’ Jiena Nafda Fik’

SAT 14TH: Parroċċa Qrendi – 7:30pm: Quddiesa u Adorazzjoni

SUN 15TH: Knisja San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex – 7:15pm: Quddiesa u Adorazzjoni

TUE 17TH: Salib ta’ l-Għolja (Laferla Cross), Siġġiewi – 7:00pm: Rużarju

On Friday 13th October, Father Ray Toledo was live on Xejk TV. The topic that was being discussed was if we can receive communion when we have committed a deadly sin. Since Father Ray Toledo receives calls from the public, listen to the reply that Father Toledo gave to a woman who called at the 1:28:47 mark, stating:

“Father, I would like to talk about my husband. It has been five months since he passed away. He died of a heart attack. Suddenly. I cannot find peace. I cannot find peace, Father. I am too angry at God. I hear the 8 am mass everyday where I pray to God to spare me from sickness, death, envy and fights. On my way home, there is a statue of a saint to whom I pray the same thing. But it is all for nothing. I had a good man. I cannot find peace, Father. I don’t know what to do. [sob] I cannot find peace and I am too angry at God. How can you help me?]

Father Toledo: “Surely, I can help you. Let us be clear. That your husband dies suddenly, is a big loss. It is a big loss. You are feeling it this much because you loved him. You loved him so you feel his absence. But unfortunately, we blame God. Did God take him away? Reason it out a bit. If he had a heart attack, was it God’s doing? So, let us reason it out a bit because the more you are going to blame God, the more you are going to lose peace. You must say, true, I loved him and I still love him, I am sorry, and there is the loss, and I am feeling this loss, but that I turn against God and the saints, I am not helping myself. Because if there is someone who can help you in this situation, it is God. But you are turning against God and you are turning against the one who can truly help you so to accept this loss. So my advice, while I pray for you, is and we will all pray for you tonight, to understand that you are closing the doors of blessings so you can win over this. Tell God, ‘Lord, I am upset about this loss but I am sorry that I am blaming you. Because it is not You who took him away. You are the Lord of living, not of the dead. Yes I have moments,but I cannot put my husband before You. That is the first commandment – that I am putting my husband in Your place. Your place is at the top. So I have to trust You and put him in Your hands. I ask you to forgive me for turning against You and instead I will ask You to help me to accept it, this reality. And pray. Pray to the saints and to God’s angels to welcome him, to welcome his spirit, and take it in front of the Almighty God. This should be your prayer. Take his spirit with you. Take it in front of the Almighty God. God’s angels, welcome him, and take with you his spirit. God bless you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Father Toledo then asks Marija, the other presenter out of the three, if she wants to add something.

Marija: “I cannot comment but I think I have an idea of who this person is. And I think she knows that she should not be blaming Christ, but she knows what she has to blame, unfortunately.”

Father Toledo: “Because that is what is happening. That is what is happening.”

Marija: “It is not God’s fault. It is a pity.”

Father Toledo: “Shall we be clear?”

Marija: “At times, we were.”

Father Toledo: “We know that many of those who took the vaccine, died suddenly. So, we blame Christ? No, this shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be. Yes, we know of a lot of cases who took the vaccine and the minute they took it, they died. We had family members, is it true? [looking at Marija and Pawlu] Only a few days after taking the vaccine. You might tell me, Father, what are you saying? I do not have a problem to say it, because this has also been accepted and it is surfacing. Brothers and sisters, let us open our eyes! Why are we taking these vaccines when we know that there wasn’t enough analysis of them? And now, the truth as to why vaccines were pushed and more are being pushed, is coming to the surface, even in Malta? Dear brothers and sisters, let us open our eyes!

But God, should never be blamed. It should not be.”

Hats off and all my respect, to Father Toledo. If any local member of the clergy, including Woke and Archbishop Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and liberal poses, will even, for a millisecond, try to damage Father Toledo, you will not only have this site backing him up, but you would face God’s fury.

I beg all those priests who are aware, or have just begun to realise what is going on, to join forces with Father Toledo, and guide the congregation. You are God’s shepherds. So, make sure you truly are God’s shepherds. Father Toledo, is truly one.

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