Father Colin Apap: have you also turned yourself into a liberal priest?

In Italian we have the expression “L’abito non fa il monaco.” Translated to English, it is “The clothes do not make the priest or the monk.” The expression invites us to be wary of deceptive appearances because people are not as they appear at first sight, but many times they are the opposite.

Can we say that this is the case with Father Colin Apap? For those who have never heard of him, he is well-known in the media and is often heard on the radio and tell-a-vision programs. He was a topic of criticism by Daphne Caruana Galizia, in her 2011 blog titled “Trid tkun tal-Labour insomma” for having “cracked jokes on the Labour radio station about how Gaddafi once wanted to buy Gozo but changed his mind when he saw Giovanna Debono”.

Now, Father Colin Apap, who is supposed to be a man of God, considering that he wears the clothes that make a priest, is cracking other jokes. In his article on Illum [with a very bad misleading heading for the popolin whose fingers fail to click on the article so that at least they know what it is about, thus creating more chaos in the popolin brains,] Father Colin comes up with a list as to why Father Francis should be admired. For some, it is as if this Pope is the only one to be admired because there were no other Popes before him.

Some statements he wrote are:

“Int tinsab ħati, għax waqaft tbus is-saqajn “ifuħu” tal-Eminenzi u Kardinali u bdejt tbus is-saqajn “maħmuġa” tal-priġunieri, nisa, pazjenti u għannaqt nies ta’ twemmin mhux kattoliku!” [You are guilty, because you stopped kissing the “smelly” feet of Eminences and Cardinals and started kissing the “dirty” feet of prisoners, women, patients and hugged people of non-catholic beliefs] Ah yes? What about all the cronies he has appointed and surrounded himself with, all those Cardinals with a history of sexual abuse, instead of throwing them out of the Church, in which they have no place! What about the victims, who were left feeling betrayed and unsupported? Clearly, l’abito non fa il monaco.

“Inti tinsab ħati għax ftaħt il-bibien tal-Knisja għall-“miżżewġin” u quddiem sitwazzjonijiet tal-biki u li jibqgħu diskussi għal dejjem inti weġibt sempliċiment: MIN JIEN JIEN BIEX NIĠĠUDIKA?” [You are guilty because you opened the doors of the Church to the “married” and in front of sad situations and which will be discussed forever, you answered simply: WHO AM I TO JUDGE?] Ah yes? Why are you in favour that marriage is being desacrilised, Father Colin? Shouldn’t you know what God’s word says, more than anyone else, being priest? Are you aware of the Church’s doctrine or have you turned into yet another liberal priest, endorsing the agendas which are trying to destroy Christianity and the Church? Since when can everyone now receive the holy communion, even when they are in a state of deadly sin? And this has nothing to do with judging. This is about leading people away from the path of sin. This is about leading people towards the path of values, moral laws, and morality. And this is the way that love and respect are truly shown towards people which is surely not by deceiving them! Clearly, l’abito non fa il monaco.

“Il-Papa Franġisku huwa ħati ta’ dawk li tbiegħdu mill-Knisja għax mhumiex ‘puri’ u skoprew il-wiċċ veru tal-Ħniena u ndunaw li anki jekk midinbin għad għandhom post fuq l-ispalla tar-Ragħaj.” [Pope Francis is guilty of those who strayed from the Church because they are not ‘pure’ and discovered the true face of Mercy and realized that even if they are sinners they still have a place on the Shepherd’s shoulder.] Because now the Church is in transition from tradition. The Church is now guilty of apostasy. And yet, the way Pope Francis is coming through, is deceiving. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Another false prophet. And false prophets deceive many. And Father Colin, through endorsing Pope Francis’s deceiving statements, is not only allowing himself to be deceived, but as a priest, he will deceive the flock he is supposed to guide. Instead of preaching love and truth, and in order to tap on both, a priest must call a spade, a spade, Father Colin is calling a spade, a fork. Clearly, l’abito non fa il monaco.

Then, we have the hint: “Għażiż Papa Franġesku, ħallini nakkużak b’dawn id-“delitti” kollha, bħalma qallek xi Kardinal jew Isqof “Inti Papa xiżmatiku, antikattolika, traditur tal-fidi kattolika”. [Dear Pope Francis, let me accuse you of all these “crimes”, as some Cardinal or Bishop told you “You are a schismatic, anti-Catholic Pope, a traitor to the Catholic faith”.] Are you reading the blogs of this site, Father Colin? Or are you, maybe, doing some research? Are you a priest walking in the spirit or a priest walking in the flesh? Because usually, it is the latter types who don’t understand Cardinals and Bishops and other members of the clergy who are walking in the spirit and speaking the truth. Because it is only guidance by the Holy Spirit that one can filter really well what is going on, during these unprecedented times.

Are you aware that all false religions will amalgamate into one religion, all repackaged for you to believe in peace and unity? Are you aware that they will all be against the one true God and our messiah and saviour Jesus Christ?

Father Colin, in coming out defending Pope Francis, even thanking him at the end of his article, “grazzi tal-Knisja sabiħa li qed tħallas il-prezz għaliha” [Thank you for the beautiful Church you are paying a price for] you have made all those who have eyes to see and are walking in the spirit, a favour.

The more priests like yourself come out and show us your true colours, that you are another liberal candidate, endorsing liberal, masonic, anti-clerical and anti-Christian agendas, the more we are directed as to who shall we follow for guidance, keeping Jesus as our focus. How sad, truly sad, to read some comments of people which show lack of knowledge and understanding. It truly saddens me.

Father Colin, is it possible that you do not have an ounce of God’s given discernment, which clearly you have not sharpened, albeit becoming a priest, to understand what is truly going on; to understand where is the world and the Church heading to and how will we all end up if we do not push back? Did you just indoctrinate yourself with theology, by any chance? Are you alive or a living dormant? Isn’t it pride and arrogance that lead us to walk on a path of lies and deceit, with a blindfold which makes unaware of the truth? Can you understand, Father Colin, why it is priests like yourself which push people away from the Church? Did you endorse the Second Ecumenical Council, by any chance, like Freemasons did? Did you do a good job as a good shepherd in your priesthood?

You do not have to be super intelligent to not understand what this Pope is doing, especially considering the critical, unprecedent historical period that all humanity is in at the moment. But what do we have to be surprised for? We were warned by Christ Himself in Matthew 7:15-20: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

Father Colin, the more you and other clergy members trumpet your favourable statements for Pope Francis, the more this site will keep on showing people parts of the puzzle which the media you like so much, has hidden, so that they can build their own puzzle.

Father Colin, the more you and other clergy members come out, showing your true, liberal dress, the more this site will do the triggering and expose what should be exposed, so that the people will know you by your fruit and steer away from bad trees which will not bear them good fruit.

My appeal now turns to all those local priests who know what is truly going on: I beg you, out of love and respect, to guide your congregation. God put you in a position of influence and guidance. Use it, in the name of Jesus Christ, and in the authority that God has given you. You have a choice: you either remain silent forever or else, this is the time to speak up, before it is too late. You have the obligation to guide the congregation or else it will get lost for eternity.

Thankfully, a few did not fall for Father Colin’s practical jokes in his article, as their comments show:

L’abito non fa il monaco. L’abito non fa Father Colin Apap.

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