Father Altman on the errors of Pope Francis and that he is the antipope (4)

“From the moment, Bergoglio and his American cardinal cronies promoted and fostered the diabolical debacle at the southern border where 85,000 or more children have disappeared and several diocesan catholic charities such as the one under control of Bergoglio’s newest bff, San Diego Cardinal McElroy, have made a fortune, aiding and abetting, criminal illegals which is a federal crime, even though we know, through that glorious new movie, ‘Sound of Freedom’, starring the great Jim Caviezel, and his portrayal of Tim Ballard’s rescue of sex trafficked children, reveal that this border debacle is the spawn of hell for sex trafficking and catholic charities under these bishops and these cardinals are in it deep.

From the moment Bergoglio just received notorious, blasphemous artists into the Sistine chapel and gave a thumbs up to the guy there, who put a Crucifix of Christ into a cup of urine and entitled the picture ‘Piss Christ’, he gives him a thumbs up.

From the moment Bergoglio slapped the hand away of a pious older woman attempting to kiss the papal ring, but later led a homosexual dressed only in a white linen cloth, very publicly kneeled down before him and kiss his ring.

From the moment Bergoglio recently appointed an absolute heretic Archbishop Victor Fernandez as head of the dicastery for the doctrine of the faith whose previous doctrinal errors earned him a red flag file in Rome and whose bad record on disciplining priests accused of sexual abuse earned him a red flag in Rome. And his 1995 book, entitled ‘Heal me with your mouth’ the art of kissing contains erotic and horrific passages. All of which gave rise to the great Liz Orr’s statement that this appointment was, this one, Fernandez, might be the most catastrophic and unconsionable appointment of Bergoglio’s ten-year reign. And that disappointment is going to set back the clergy abuse victims another fifty years.

Dear family, that’s just twenty of the ‘from the moment’ moments. Too countless to mention, that reveal and define the incontrovertible fact that Jorge Bergoglio is exactly what Jesus, Saint Peter and Saint Paul identified: a false prophet, a false teacher, and someone who secretly introduces destructive heresies.

Jorge Bergoglio, has in more ways than we can count, but particularly through his sacrilege against the Holy Eucharist, excommunicated himself automatically from the Catholic Church.

Again, as always, don’t take my word for it. Cardinal Saint Robert Bellarmine wrote ‘For men are not bound or able to read hearts but when they see that someone is a heretic by his external works, they judge him to be a heretic pure and simple and condemn him as a heretic.’ Go and look at De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Chapter 30.

So, what are we to do? What are we to do when we recognize such a false prophet, such a heretic, such an ex-communicated viper as Jorge Bergoglio? Do we just let it go and take up a heretical ultra-mountainous view that the pope can do whatever he done and pleases. Because he is the pope and correcting him is above our pay grade. No. Absolutely not. Oh, the vipers in the hierarchy would like you to think that. Absolutely not. Rather, the dogmatic Council of Trent gave us explicit direction about what to do about such wolves in sheep’s clothing. Quote:

‘Since it is not enough just to declare the truth, unless errors be exposed and repudiated, it has seemed good to the holy council to state these canons so that the catholic doctrine being already known all, [that means us, dear family], all may understand also what are the heresies that they ought to guard against and avoid if anyone shall presume to teach, preach or obstinately assert or in public disputation defend the contrary, he shall be, eo ipso, by the thing itself, of ex-communicated.’

So today we have an update. We’ve had an update on that old fable Emperor’s New Clothes, and it’s called Bergoglio’s New Clothes. Today we have shed the light of truth on him and exposed and repudiated just some of Bergoglio’s destructive heresies. We just went through 20 of them through which he has ex-communicated himself.”

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