Father Altman on the errors of Pope Francis and that he is the antipope (3)

“From the moment Bergoglio had his bishop buddies bring the pagan fertility goddess, the Pachamama into Saint Peter’s and set it down in front of the altar and then held a worship service in the garden; from the moment he insidiously inferred that Catholics should not breed like rabbits; from the moment Bergoglio said the ten commandments were not rigid, even though they were carved by the finger of the Almighty God Himself in stone; from the moment we’re going to let his vatican cardinal crony say that Chinese communism is the model of Catholic Social Justice, and that he’s a communist socialist because he reads Jesus in the gospel as a socialist, even though the last ten Catholic popes, including three canonized saints, universally condemned communism and socialism and said we cannot even be a moderate socialist and be Catholic.

From the moment, Bergoglio put a stutue and a picture in his office of Jesus dying and going down to hell and forgiving Judas the betrayer, even though Jesus said better he had never been born, from the moment Bergoglio had five meetings with the avowed atheist who reported that Bergoglio said those people who do not repent, and therefore cannot be forgiven, just disappear after death, because hell does not exist. Rather the disappearance of sinful souls exist I guess they just go poof into nothingness, a statement that Bergoglio, in a typical Bergoglian modus operandi, never expressly denied nor corrected by teaching the truth.

From the moment Bergoglio signed the Abu Dhabi agreement, destroying the fundamental and irreconcilable distinction between the Catholic church and everyone else and then dared to say that God willed a plurality of religions, even though Jesus, crucified in Matthew 28, gave the apostles the marching orders to convert the world to the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

From the moment Bergoglio attached monasteries and convents and the prayerful cloistered life that has been in the Catholic church dating way back to the great Saint Anthony of the desert circa 300 A.D., since the great Saint Benedict, circa early 500s, since the great Saint Claire circa early 1200s, from the moment Bergoglio attacked the holy mass of the ages, the traditional Latin mass, and instead promoted the godless worship he allows in the new world order, like putting a beach ball on the altar, having these air puppets flying around, having a couple perform a tango in front of the altar and along people, having soap bubbles and cool in the gang in the midst of what is supposed to be sacred worship.

From the moment Bergoglio and every single other American catholic and Cardinal Burke, let Biden, and Pelosi commit sacrilege receiving Holy Communion, and like in cases, let people non-Catholics like the Jewish Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the lesbian methodist Chicago mayor laywer Lightfoot, commit sacrilege before him as he sat right there; from the moment Bergoglio had a big photo up with Bill Clinton and the Soros spawn, remember Bill and Hillary refused to stand and applaud Mother Theresa, Saint Theresa of Calcutta for her defense of being born.Everybody else, standing ovation. Bill and Hillary sat there stone-faced. Oh but he gets a photo up with Jorge Bergoglio this past week with the Soros spawns, even as Bergoglio couldn’t seem to find time to meet with Cardinal Joseph Zen who was under attack from the Chinese Communist government.”

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