Father Altman on the errors of Pope Francis and that he is the antipope (2)

“Well not surprisingly, Jesus’s words were echoed by St Peter and St Paul. In 2 Peter 1-9, St Peter wrote but there were also false prophets among the people just as there were, there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who brought that who bought them bringing swift destruction in themselves. Many will follow Osiris. Many will follow their depraved conducts and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.

And in 2 Timothy 4 St Paul wrote ‘For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but following their own desires and insatiable curiousity, will accumulate false teachers and will stop listening to the truth.’

So our Lord Jesus, St Peter and St Paul, all warn us to watch out for the false shepherds, the false prophets, the vipers, and we can tell exactly who they are by the bad fruit they produce. And watch, dear family, one last little aside before we get to the heart of the matter, let us use the brains that God gave us and realize, Satan is not going to come barging through the front doors ablaze in fire, openly scorching everything in sight. No, that’s not the way he works. Satan is going to infiltrate and insinuate himself into the hierarchy just like Jesus, Peter and Paul said. They’ll use Satan’s insidious and seductive language just like he did in the garden ‘oh, surely you will not die.’ We have thousands and thousands of years of sin in mayhem and death to prove that Satan is the father of lies and we know that he, Satan, the ruler of the world, has not yet held been cast out and we know he’s alive and well in the insidious and seductive language of the hierarchy, all the way to the top, who say to each other now, as Caiaphas and his cronies said then, ‘better we cancel the truth-telling priests, then risk grief and aggravation from the government or risk our position in the hierarchy.’

So, back to what we are to do when we recognise the false prophets by their fruits, the false teachers who secretly introduce the destructive heresies, who say, or at least, directly infer such things as the Holy Eucharist can be received by anyone: Catholic, non-Catholic, even when not in a state of grace because of baby murdering in the womb or contraception or cohabitation or divorced or remarried outside the church or same-sex anything or any state of mortal sin. We actually do not have to do anything about them, these false shepherds, because as the dogmatic Council of Trent has handed down to us, they already have automatically excommunicated themselves. So, dear family, it’s time now to summarise Jorge Bergoglio’s new clothes, whereupon we can conclude as we should, he is not the pope.

From the moment he walked out onto the balcony for the first time with the St Galen’s mafia BFF Cardinal Danneels who Bergoglio knew had tried to cover up for for another one of his brother bishops who had molested not one but two of the bishop’s nephews, from the moment Bergoglio rehabilitated his BFF boy raper Theodore McCarrick, leading up to the summer of shame of 2018 when the Catholic church was made the laughing stock of the world and catholics left the church in droves because of the continued cover-up of even cardinals who raped boys.

From the moment Bergoglio appointed boy raper McCarrick’s housemate, Cardinal Farrell, to be head of the Vatican cabinet post for family life. You remember, Cardinal Farrell, who like Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s heroes was all ‘oh, I saw nothing. I know nothing.’ From the moment, Bergoglio let Farrell appoint Archbishop Paglia as head of the GP2 institute, the Paglia, who had an infamous homosexual and erotic painter paint the entire back wall of his cathedral, depicting a semi-exposed Jesus, and depicting his own naked back being rubbed by a naked man with his butt hanging out, that’s the cathedral mural. See for yourself the truth I speak. For the record, the artist was quoted later saying that Paglia, appointed by Farrell, McCarrick’s roomie, that Paglia supervised the painting of that mural daily and the only thing that he was not allowed to paint on the back wall of the cathedral was people copulating from the moment that that same Paglia got rid of all the good stuff at the GP2 Institute for family life and announced that the GP2 institute no longer would teach humanity vitae.”

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