Dr Nick Begich on mind control: the Navy Regulation

“This Navy Regulation didn’t show up. It’s November 2006 and you can get it off my website at earthpulse.com. But this was just adopted by the Navy in 2006 and the reason is up there is the mind control issue. It is addressed with those words: mind control experiments and those have to be approved by an under secretary of the Navy in order for them to carry those experiments out so they still go on. They are open about it. You can look under a request for proposals (RFPs) of the various branches, military and you’ll see plenty of opportunities to bid on projects to bring projects forward in this regime.

You can look on our website and see some of the DARPA documents in this area but the thing that came forward in all of this is the realization that as they looked into what human beings were capable of, this is what scared the hell out of the military because everyone in this room has the capability of developing these higher attributes, these capabilities. Now could you imagine a dozen or a million people on this planet, the next evolution of human beings I believe is that direction. People say well how are we gonna change things? That’s how we are gonna change things – letting go of our fear, recognizing what we are and look for ways to enhance our capacity as human beings so we can make the changes that are necessary on this planet.”

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