Dr Nick Begich on mind control: the complicity of the CIA

“This was interesting, when Jeane and I were doing our work and you know, I’m trying to find this source document to show the sort of complicity of the CIA in some of this, and I was working for the school system as one of my functions, I managed a big surplus area, so we had all these surplus books and I am talking to this guy about needing this source, because it’s everything secondary, tertiary. I’m trying to get a root source so give me what I need. And I reach in this box behind me and I just pull out a book and it was this one. Just as I’m talking about it, you know, I mean, there’s 10,000 books in this place and I pull this one out:

Now what was really good about this is that this is just before the Freedom of Information Act passed. This is right after the Watergate. Do you remember there was the CIA, oh excuse me, ‘ex-Cia’ guys that broke into the Watergate, do you remember that? And the only ex-CIA guys were six feet under and dust. Cause they never really finished and they call this call back into the service. Now, Richard Nixon was really an evil guy from my perspective. He hated Hale Boggs who has disappeared with my dad. But the last set of tapes that were released from Watergate actually have him cursing about Boggs because he was so angry at J. Edgar Hoover because J. Edgar Hoover had tapped every congressional and senate phone line and was blackmailing half the Congress to cooperate. And he had way too much power. He maintained a whole set of secret files on people and Boggs didn’t like it very much and he wanted him out. And six months before they disappeared on a plane and just before J Edgar Hoover went away, he was calling for his resignation openly on the floor of the Congress. And he was angry at the security agencies provided CIA which was engaged at that time in infiltrating protest groups for the Vietnam War. They were involved in opening domestic mail, domesting wiretapping, and for the mind control experiments which are cited in this publication.

Now, has anything changed? It’s the same game going on now. You know, they change the names, get a more alphabet super organisations to do it. We are in the most controlled, monitored society of our history.

Earth Rising: The Revolution‘, I wrote with James Roderick and released it in 2000 and there are, as recently as the last week, I’m reading a mainstream press report talking about stuff we wrote about twelve years ago. And this is 650 sources in this book. I consider it the most important book I wrote dealing with privacy issues, technology issues, and how they inter-relate. It was pre 9/11 and it was written as a warning because after 9/11, everything we suggested would happen as a result of that evidence, has in fact happened.

And it doesn’t matter whether it was a Democrat or a Republican in the White House. Obama did as much or more to maintain that kind of a syndrome where we become more transparent and government becomes more opaque. No transparency as government is kind of the words I hear in Europe a lot more than I hear them in the United States and I think we’re becoming more like what Soviet Russia was in the United States and they are becoming more like we were used to be. And it’s just such an upside-down equation but when you slice off freedom, just one slice at a time, eventually the baloney is all gone and we’re really close to the end of that one.”

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