Dr Nick Begich on mind control: human behaviour can be affected on a broad scale using any electromagnetic carrier

“When you think about this idea of affecting human behaviour on a broad scale utilizing any electromagnetic carrier, when, as it’s been used after the first Gulf War, it was Bush Senior, it was Scottish media that reported that we utilize this on a project sole which is an aircraft that we use in the battlefield environment. We interfere with people’s communications but we also piggyback signals and in that news report it was suggested that what we did is we took the stations in the region that were broadcasting the music and prayers and we embedded a signal on it that created anxiety and fear and if you remember that first Gulf conflict, you watch the fourth largest army in the world collapse like kindergarteners on their first fire drill, you know giving up to a handful of people masses of adversaries in this situation, very effective technology when the US Test Technology act, when most militaries attest technologies in the battlefield. And in that twelve day trip we had with Tom Spencer locked onto that shift together we wanted him to broaden this discussion to not just include heart but to include the whole array of non-lethal weapons that have been developed by the United States and others that we had been tracking in our book ‘Angels don’t play this HAARP.*’

Jeane Manning and I went and looked at the cooperation between the Department of Justice and the Department of Defence where they had actually signed agreements for priority funding for non-lethal weapons when they had dual domestic use for control purposes and as well as for military purposes. And it was the Secretary of the Air Force who had made a very controversial statement in the U.S. He had said don’t worry about the non-lethal weapons to our adversaries because we tested them all on Americans first. This kind of took offense. It was pretty offensive.

It was the Secretary of Energy O’Leary who admitted during the Clinton administration that over half a million Americans have been victims of human experiments. The United States, over 40-year period, without their consent, half a million Americans and no one has ever been held accountable for any of it. And from my perspective, that’s within the boundaries of our country, outside of our country I would suspect even more I mean in Canada they were actually civil cases that were eventually won for mind control experiments that took place there in the 1970s. But the opportunity presents itself in warfare environments to do exactly that.”

* A reminder that the book ‘Angels Don’t Play this HAARP’ was written and published by Dr. Begich and Jeane Manning to ‘encourage independent scientific review and monitoring of HAARP and other projects that could be weaponized or affect the environment’. Begich did countless radio interviews, was invited to speak at venues such as the European Parliament and kept in touch with scientists such as Dr. Eastland. Eastlund presented his final paper at the University of Pennsylvania around 2006 where he said that weather could be manipulated with 1,600 times less energy than he had anticipated when he originally designed HAARP. Dr Begich had also said that control of high science is what makes governments more powerful.

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