Dr Nick Begich on mind control: how the target of the U.S. military is the domain of the human mind and how government is interfering with free will

“But there is no privacy and ultimately the domain of the human mind is in fact the target of U.S. military. A faculty led two contracts a couple of years ago, to the University of California. One for monitoring brain activity within a human being to determine specific thoughts. Now here’s the deal. The resolution on this increases as our computer power increases. So you think about the stuff they were talking about in 69 which was just kind of gross moving emotional state. There’s a guy named Gert of Laurentian University who actually wrote a paper on this in 1995 where he said what you could do is simply create a complex signal that creates a sense of anxiety in the population and then just shove a press release in the mainstream media so people watching the news that night, see a certain group being indicted for all of your ills and then a certain amount of that emotional anger would turn in that direction. Something as simple as that.

But as our computing power and as our ability to generate specific signals increases, the resolution increases. Our ability to do more on a more refined and more refined basis. So they let this contract to the University of California to monitor brains and see in real time what a thought looks like and then the other contract was to take and model that waveform and then put it on another person to see if you could in fact transfer information between people. They wanted to do this for two reasons: one for a communication with your own troops in a battle environment without any hardware and the other was to disturb the thinking process of your adversary. This is the direction in which our military is going. We think it is a very dangerous direction because it interferes with free will quite frankly, something that even in most religious traditions, even God will not do. Certainly, government does not belong in that arena. When I think about our constitution, you know, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, these basic freedoms imply a freedom of thought. So the idea of any government interfering with that, I find highly repugnant, as you most human beings on this planet. And yet this is the direction that we continue to go.”

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