Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains who is Satan and his rebellion

“Satan, was an angel from the very beginning in heaven. Read Genesis 1:1: it says, ‘In the beginning, Elohim, or Aluhim, in the original text, Aluhim created the heavens and the earth. Heavens means angels. Earth, whatever was in it. So in the beginning Aluhim, God, created the heavens, angels, and the earth. Angels were created first. The highest rank in the angelic order are called the cherubim. Satan was one of the cherubs, the highest angelic order. The highest. He was one of the cherubs. Now when you read in the Holy Bible, later on, you will see when it talks about the cherubs, it says that the cherubim is full of eyes, inside and out, inwardly and outwardly. Full of eyes. Eye, in the bible, literally means knowledge. Everywhere you read in the bible mentioning the eye, put next to it knowledge. So he was full of knowledge, inside and out, meaning he’s an extremely smart and knowledgeable angel. Why? Because God chose to create him this way. No one can change this, forever. Now this cherub was given a choice from the very beginning, before Adomi (Adam) and Avovi (Eve) came along [laughter], before Adam and Eve. All the angels in heaven, God came to them, and He said do you want to stay with me, work for me, serve me, or do you want to go your way to Fairfield Nita City [laughter]? Where do you want to go? So, one of them said ‘No, I will take my throne above all the stars of heaven and I’ll go above God. And I will establish my own mountain’. Remember what we read here: there are seven mountains and the seven mountains are the seven heads. The seven heads are also the seven kings. So, Satan said ‘I’ll take my throne.’ The throne belongs to whom? Kings. ‘I’ll take my throne above all the stars and I’ll establish my own mountain in heaven. I will rule government in heaven. I’ll be god. You’re not just God yourself. I’m god.’ He challenged the almighty God. He said ‘I’ll be god in heaven as well’. The true divine God, the creator, said to this angel ‘you are a creation of my own worth. So, you can’t be god. I’m God. Therefore, there is no place for you in heaven’. God kicked him out of heaven. He came down with the same thought, with the same idea, with the same mentality: ‘I must establish this kingdom. I failed to do it in heaven. I will succeed in doing it on earth’.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So, help you Jesus Christ of Nazareth for He is the only true, divine God revealed in the flesh.”

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