ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt in an MSNBC interview regarding the Israeli war: “Who’s writing the scripts?”

In an appearance during an interview on Monday on MSNBC “Morning Joe”, Jonathan Greenblatt, “the director of the Anti-Defamation League criticized MSNBC while appearing on the network for the way it was covering the ongoing fighting between Hamas and Israeli military forces” and at one point asked “Who’s writing the scripts? Hamas?”

Here is what was reported on the Hill:

“While I am sad and trying to cope, I’ll be honest. I am angry. I am angry with the world that allowed the dehumanization of Israelis and sanitized the terrorism of Hamas. I must say, I love this show, and I love this network, but I’ve got to ask, who’s writing the scripts? Hamas?”

Greenblatt described in detail the atrocities that have been committed in Israel by members of Hamas during the surprise attack over the weekend, saying, “They are not fighters. … They are not militants. And I’m looking right at the camera, they are terrorists.”

“So I just think, like, guys get this story, right, and all these pictures of like, you know, missiles or the rubble in Gaza, please talk to the Israeli mothers and fathers who lost their children,” he said. “And please stop calling this a retaliation. This is a defensive measure against an organization that is committed to one thing: killing Jews, not a peaceful resolution of a conflict, but murdering Jews. And if you’re wondering if I’m exaggerating, please, I beg of you, everyone watching and everyone at this network, just watch the footage.”

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