A British journalist was arrested after condemning the Canadian House of Commons’ applaud of the veteran Nazi member

On Tuesday 19th September, the British Online Safety Bill passed its final debate in parliament and is now ready to become law. The British government sells you this bill as a way to “ensure adults are better empowered to take control of their online lives, while protecting mental health” and to make sure that “social media platforms are held responsible for the content they host” and that “if they don’t act rapidly to prevent and remove illegal content and stop children seeing material that is harmful to them, such as bullying, they will face significant fines that could reach billions of pounds”, with some cases being even that of imprisonment.

What the British government does not tell, as advocates of freedom of speech have rightly warned, is that this bill could be used to crack down on anyone who questions the official narrative on issues ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Ukrainian conflict.

And so it happens, that we have the first proof of this: Warren Thornton, a British independent journalist, was arrested after condemning the Canadian House of Commons’ lauding of the Ukrainian former Nazi Waffen-SS member, while he was hosting an edition of his webcast  The Real Truth on the evening of Sunday 24th September.

Having been critical of various topics on his social media, like NATO’s support to Ukraine in the war with Russia, and exposing the dark past of Yaroslav Hunka, the veteran Ontario resident who was given the standing ovation in the Canadian parliament during a speech by President Volodymyr Zelensky at the invitation of Justin Trudeau, Thornton ended up being “invited” to be “interviewed” by police officers from the regional Cyber Crime Unit. “When he declined, they put him under arrest and drove him to a police station in Bristol, where they gave him a formal warning for ‘malinformation’ in relation to sixteen videos which he had posted on social media. He was released on Monday without charge or caution, but left with a lengthy journey back home.

This incident is surely a warning of what is yet to come, proving the concerns of free speech advocates. Such bills and laws passed in Paliament, will be used to silence anyone who criticise the official government narrative. Unless this is turned around once and for all, we will come to a stage where we cannot voice an opinion, a comment, or criticism in the metaphormosis of humanity to yes-saying slaves who conform to dystopian propaganda by the mainstream media whose pen always make the Truth suffer.

On his Twitter, Thornton wrote that for him, it was an honour to be taken away and questioned for ‘malinformation’. In his observation: “disinformation is when you knowingly know something is a lie, and you publish it. Misinformation is when you don’t know something is a lie, and you go ahead and publish it while malinformation is when you know something is completely true, and you publish it, and they consider it harm to take it from the private sphere and put it into the public sphere.”

“He pointed out that journalists have a “duty” to expose crimes, impropriety, risks to public health and safety and to prevent the people from being misled by public figures.”

“So thank you very much for showing that all 16 of the videos you were investigating are completely and utterly true,” Thornton told the police, pointing out that “no further action” was being taken against him.

“There is no way that we are going to keep silent, and we are going to keep telling people the truth,” Thornton vowed. “It is incumbent upon them to prove that what we are doing doesn’t benefit the public.”

“He stressed that his and others’ critical coverage of the West’s proxy conflict with Russia in Ukraine was vital in the interests of humanity, and that he was entitled to point out breaches of Article 39 of the UN Charter — which mandates a response to ‘any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression’ — which he believed “all NATO members have been guilty of.”

“We need to stop the killing and all the money that is flowing to these lunatic people and this lunatic war that is being fought on behalf of these lunatics in power,” Thornton said.

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