Who was behind the 2018 migrant caravan event?

The caravan migrant event was a staged one with a political motive. Who was behind it? Who financed it? It was no one but the elitist George Soros.

How do we know he is behind such movements, including the paedophile association MAMBLA and the violent movements like Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

Well it is not really a secret. According to an analysis of his tax filings, he invested 33 million dollars in the notorious Ferguson riots.

Soros promised all those who participated in these protests 15 dollars an hour. Here are some photos of the Ferguson riots:

In the case of the migrant caravan, all they had to do was play the part of poor refugees looking for a safe place, money, clothes, food, and toys.

An extra bonus for those who act and play the part?

However, he made a mistake by not fulfilling his payment promises.

So then the world saw more riots, this time by angry actors who demanded payment. A video of members of ANTIFA shouting ‘Soros, where’s our money?’ went viral. But everything was hushed up by the mainstream media this time.

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