The story and hype about Russell Brand – just another distraction in the game of deceit to keep you away from the truth

Back in 2022, we had the story of the highly followed Infowars host Alex Jones who was ordered by the courts to pay “an extra $473 million for promoting false conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook school massacre, bringing the total judgment against him in a lawsuit filed by the victims’ families to a staggering $1.44 billion.” Alex Jones still continues to be followed by millions.

Now we have another story, which is that of comedian and actor Russell Brand who has been accused of rape, sexual assaults and emotional abuse during a seven-year period between 2006 and 2013 at the height of his fame, allegations which are being done by four women in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches. And, Alex Jones, mentioned above, is also defending him. It just shows that he is another shill. Tucker Carlson, who previously worked for Fox News, also thought to be in the true Truth movement, also defended him. It takes three shills to create a larger, trick and spell on the people.

Whether these allegations about Russell Brand are true or not, whether he will be found guilty of rape or not, we just hope that justice is done. But, let us not forget his past which show his true colours. When you look at the photos of Russell Brand’s lascivious past, his penchant for dominating and seducing underage girls, his past decadent Hollywood behavior, his childhood cruelty to animals [which he himself admitted in his memoire book], his drug and sex addictions, his abuse of women and fellow actors, his indifference towards anyone who gets in his way, his childhood bulimia, his violent temper and contempt for anyone in authority above him, his sudden re-branding of himself as a loving and benevolent New Age Guru, and his current over-the-top “Save The World” histrionics on his You Tube Channel, it is difficult not to think of him in the same sentence as the word, “Psychopath,” as defined by the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).

But, this story is yet another distraction in the game of deceit, so that the truth keeps on being side-tracked from the masses. It is just another dog and pony show for the dumped down masses. It is just another game so that people would think that Russell Brand is being silenced for speaking ‘the truth’. Why am I stating so? There are various reasons.

Brand is worth more than $20 million and is friends with World Economic Forum genocidal maniac and transhumanist Yuval Noah Harari.

If they are in Hollywood, these men are recruited to spread agendas. Brand is a well-known celebrity, and he’s allowed to have 6 million YouTube subscribers. He is part of the Establishment, which he claims to oppose. All those with millions of followers who make you think they are spreading the truth, are. Otherwise, you’d never hear his name mentioned in the media. Alex Jones and Andrew Tate are in the same boat. All of these men are given enormous exposure because they serve the Masonic agenda of dividing and conquering modern culture. Though they may begin as simply talented individuals, they are quickly chosen to push the Illuminati agenda, and once they take the Masonic Vow of Silence, they do whatever they are told in order to keep the money, fame, and power flowing in.

Then there are his poses. Do you think that any of his poses, in the below photos, just happened by chance? If you’re a Hollywood star, and you’re put in a photo shoot that costs thousands of dollars, will you just to do random hand gestures or will you show your allegiance to someone? It appears to be to Masonry and The Illuminati in Brand’s case. You must seek out the signs and symbols.

And I am sure that all of us put an eye in our mouth when we take a photo shoot, right?

Does it stand for the masonic one eye, that is the all-seeing eye or for the eye of Horus?

He streams in front a set of books: one being “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall. which is basically the go-to for all of the Mystic Clan’s shills. This is what the 33 degree freemason Manly P. Hall, whose speech on magnetic field this site has published, had written in his book, ‘The Lost Keys of Freemasonry’, for you all to get an idea of what we are dealing with:

In 2014, New Age guru Russell Brand had even published a book titled “The Pied Piper of Hamelin: Russell Brand’s Trickster Tales” which features him as a pied piper dressed in masonic dualism checkerboard colours which signalled his conversion to masonry as ‘the trickster’, a persona created to distract you and enlist you. In his charismatic, funny, and seductive ways, he has become a trickster shepherd of the herd, the masses, tricking them to believe what he is telling them because what he says, is what he is allowed to say and is what the masses want to hear.

He has the number 33 tattoed on his wrist. He said that it symbolises Christ’s age when he was crucified. Or does it stand for 33 degree freemason?

He denied that the above tattoo, including other allegations that he is with the Illuminati, has to do with the Illuminati. So, what about the triangle poses of his?

Isn’t it common for celebrities to flash an official Illuminati 666 hand sign while referencing paedophilia with a baby pacifier in high-profile photoshoots? Is there anything planned here? Is there no agenda being pushed here? Is there nothing to see here?

Always remember that you have to keep an eye on their symbolism and signs. Always remember that their symbolism will be their downfall, because it is the language of the occult. They rarely communicate with words in public. Also, remember that they take a vow of secrecy, in order to achieve success, fame, power, wealth and exposure.

Here is is the infamous Masonic sign for the Vow of Silence and Secrecy. Is it an accident that Russell Brand is doing such a sign? I mean, why would you need to be photo shot making such a sign? Can’t they just smile like we all do?

This is not by accident. They are told what to do and they always tell you, in the revelation of the method, what they are doing and who are the controllers they have put in front of the camera, to lead you astray.

To usher in their New Age Globalism Agenda, the Elites require a Communist Revolution which Brand relentlessly promotes on his show. He even wrote a book called ‘Revolution’. Coincidence?

The below photo shows Brand with his former wife, famous singer Katie Perry. Notice what he is carrying in his hand:

Doesn’t that read ‘Obey’ and doesn’t it have the occult symbol of the hexagram?

Russell Brand is another anti-Christian, New Ager; he is just another shill just like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Dr Robert Malone, and Dr McCullough. Surely, they are great shills and it does not mean that their content is all fake or all a lie. But they keep a lie or another alive by sticking to it, so that we never get to the real, underlying truth.

Dear readers, stick to real, honest people who are giving you the full truth. These are not viral, won’t be given coverage in the mainstream media and are completely ignored.

Because while you follow these shills, the world and innocent lives are being destroyed rapidly.

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