The Abrahamic Family House: how Chrislam will promote ‘religious coexistence and tolerance’ of the New Age Religion in the New Age Movement

“The US, United Arab Emirates and Israel launched a joint Chrislam working team that will promote ‘religious coexistence and tolerance.’

‘Chrislam, the foundation for the One World Religion, [thanks to Donald Trump and the Abraham Accords, and of hard work by people like Mohamed bin Zayed, Rick Warren and Pope Francis, that dream is on the cusp of being realized here in 2022. And because it’s Bible prophecy, Israel needs to be involved.’

Chrislam is rapidly accelerating across the Middle East, riding the back of that killer wave called the Abraham Accords. In the fall, we are expecting that the Abrahamic Family House that will be the headquarters for Pope Francis’ Declaration of Human Fraternity, and will feature a mosque, a synagogue and a Roman Catholic Church. It’s like living in a Chick tract, isn’t it?”

Full article can be read here.

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