The 2018 migrant caravan that headed to the southern border of the U.S. – the deceit

At the moment, the US is experiencing more influx of migrants, so much so that Border Report has reported just recently on 23rd September, that El Paso, in Texas, has opened a shelter as migrant influx has reached a ‘breaking point’.

In this particular blog, we will be going back to the the migrant caravan that headed to the southern border of the U.S. in April 2018, which was covered by the mainstream media big time. According to official reports, these people came mostly from Honduras where the caravan had started, with people from Guatemala, Salvador, Tapachula, and Mexico joining the march.

The main reason for them to flee their home country was gang violence and poverty. When you see the images that the media had published, you realise that there are a lot of images portraying women and children, which is a sign of media manipulation and a hidden political agenda. If you study the pictures closely, you will realise that too many things did not add up.

We start with the first. These people had to walk for 45 miles a day, each and every single day, for one and a half month.

Do you see the people looking exhausted in these pictures? Do they look dirty or sweaty?

Look at their clothes which are clean.

The babies are also clean.

Their pants were also clean and with labels!

They also look well-fed. They surely aren’t refugees! They do not look poor! If you travel to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, you will surely witness the true poverty! These people truly did not look poor!

45 miles a day on flip flops?

45 miles a day barefoot? Where are the blisters?

Why weren’t they carrying what they needed for a journey like that like blankets, food, water, and spare diapers?

Some just carried brand new small backpacks!

So, what did truly happen?

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