Pope Francis’s statement on paedophiles while refusing to remove clergy who abused children

Pope Francis, the Jesuit Pope, continues to raise eyebrows of many conservatives.

It was last May when he is reported saying that sex abusers are ‘children of God’ deserving of ‘love’.

While discussing sex abusers during a private meeting with a group of Jesuit priests in Hungary in April, which were published only later in May by La Civilta Cattolica, an Italian Jesuit journal, Pope Francis labelled them ‘children of God’ who deserve love and ‘pastoral care’, as well revolting ‘enemies’ who must be punished.

When a Hungarian Jesuit asked him ‘The Gospel asks us to love, but how do we love at the same time people who have experienced abuse and their abusers?’, Pope Francis responded with:

‘How do we approach, how do we talk to the abusers for whom we feel revulsion? Yes, they too are children of God. But how can you love them?’

“While the pope was talking about sexual abuse writ large, the subtext to his answer is the staggering scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church involving generations of pedophile priests abusing hundreds of thousands of children all over the world.”

As recently as in April 2023, “a Maryland state report revealed that more than 150 Catholic priests with the Archdiocese of Baltimore molested some 600 children, mostly with impunity, over the course of 80 years.”

Again, we are the creation of God. We become the children of God when we repent and we accept Jesus as our Lord the Saviour and we understand that it it all about what Jesus did for us on the cross.

And at a time when the Catholic Church has gone into crisis with the smoke of Satan entering it with paedophile priests dragging the church into one scandal after the next, Pope Francis should do more rather than adhering to the agendas fomented.

And during these turbulent times when paedophilia is being normalised, while paedophiles are even turned to be called ‘Minor Attracted Persons’, it makes perfect sense for this statement uttered from this Pope to raise eyebrows.

‘It’s your duty to protect children,’ Tim Law, founder of Ending Clergy Abuse, told Pope Francis via a press conference in Kinshasa on Jan. 30, the day before the pope arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as reported by Agence-France-Presse.

‘A girl identified as Marie told reporters by video conference how she was raped nearly two years ago by a priest from the Tshumbe diocese at the age of 14.’ Marie said she had informed the Church authorities in Congo. Since then, ‘I am not living in safety, everyone around me is under threat,’ she said as quoted by AFP.

A Church source told AFP ‘the priest has been suspended [even though] the Vatican probe found no evidence.’

‘Pope Francis, the youth are counting on you because living in poverty, they are at the mercy of predators,’ Law said. ‘Victims have to be respected, not punished,’ he added. Law and a Congolese association fighting sexual abuse also called on Pope Francis to sanction the priest.

On Feb. 2, ‘around two dozen activists and sexual abuse victims demonstrated in Democratic Republic of Congo’s capital across the road from a cathedral where Pope Francis was meeting clergy. They held up placards, some demanding that the pope meet with clergy abuse victims in the country,’ Benoit Nyemba, correspondent for the Reuters DRC bureau, reported. About 50% of the DRC population is Roman Catholic, Nyemba noted.

‘One demonstrator, Benjamin Kitobo, said he was abused when he was a boy in the city of Kolwezi. He said the priest who allegedly abused him was later allowed to return to ministry,’ Nyemba wrote.

Pope Francis did not meet with any clergy abuse victims in the DRC nor did he acknowledge their suffering.

Also, “the Italian Vatican reporter Andrea Gagliarducci reminded us that Pope Francis had personally protected serial abusers and rapists. ‘The Papacy of the media emphasizes the punitive decisions of Pope Francis but at the same time hides his most contentious decisions,’ Gagliarducci wrote.”

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