My personal experience as a former occultist and New Ager in the New Age Movement – part two

When I observed, I realised that it is a context of wishful thinking mantras, spiritual bypass, superficial healing techniques, pseudo-positivity, pseudo-inner peace, inflated perspectives, and the denial of common sense realities. Typical statements of the New Age are: “Everything is an illusion”, “Everything is perfect as it is”, “There are no victims of circumstances”, “You are where you have to be,” “Drop the ego,” “Think positive,” “Everything that happens is meant-to-be,” “You chose your family, your experiences, and your reality,” “Everything you see and feel is a reflection of you,” “You attract what you feel”, and “Anger and sadness are low vibrations,” “Ask and it is given”, “The Universe has everything you need”, “Stay positive and positive things will flow to you,” and “You are the creator of your own life.”

Some, and only some, of these perspectives have their place in some contexts, but in New Age, they are taken too far, by members who walk on the spiritual pretence, but who, in reality, have not done the real, grounded, hard-earned, genuine, work for transformation. The so-called ‘enlightened masters’ float above what they deem as ‘fray’, priding themselves in fake spirituality. All these perspectives have led me to a mental and emotional cage. It took me three years to undo the harm.

In the New Age, I realised that there is no God talk and Christ is out of the equation. If He is mentioned, He is deemed as a revolutionary and a maverick and the story ends here. In the New Age, deism is practised – where people of different beliefs join. In the New Age, God talk is replaced by “The Universe” and “The Source”, with “The Universe has all you need,” “The Universe does not give you more than you can handle,” “The Universe has more than enough for everyone,” “Ask the Universe anything you need, feel it, envision it, and the Universe will manifest it for you.”

In the so-called spiritual communities for the New Age, the ‘brothers and sisters’ repeat that we are all one. Pseudo-peacefulness or ‘calmness bypass’ in the New Age is seen as a symbol of awakening. Unresolved anger issues in the New Age run high, forgetting that healthy anger is also part of the emotional integrity and a legitimate emotion that shows that a person has been violated.

And yet, for the New Agers, I was not deemed perfect. Because I felt sad at times. Because I felt angry at times. Because for them, I was not working hard to attract my wishes. Because for them, I should always be calm and happy. Because for them, something was definitely wrong with me. I was even told that they can see a black aura around my heart. I was told that the traumas I went through were all my fault because I attracted them and because in my past life, I must have done something very bad to which I have to pay for during this life. When my dog Tinker died, and I was devastated, I was told that I was being selfish to cry for him, that I should set him free, that I should be happy and should be dancing. All this did not help me heal but made it worse.

I cannot thank God enough for pushing me out when a New Ager told me that until I change attitude, I am not welcome anymore in the community. I was also removed from the chat.

In the beginning, I felt hurt and rejected. I was back to square one – alone and having to undo all the harm of the New Age. By time, I not only understood that gaslighting, self-avoidance, and ticking bomb anger runs rampant in the New Age, but I also understood that it is deceitful, and it is how Satan filters through.

I removed anything that belonged to New Age, occult and esoterism from my house. I also worked on undoing any religious indoctrination and misconceptions that burden Christianity. When my dad was hospitalised, and it is through this experience, where I experienced mostly the power of God.

It is when I look back to all my life and connect the dots that I realise that there is a divine plan of God, since the day I was conceived, that has to happen. It is here that I returned to Christ.

This is why I am a huge advocate of God and I am of the belief and fully and heartedly convinced that Jesus Christ is the true and only God.

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